
List of books I have read related to development, user experience design, entrepreneurship, and management

Reading List

Inspired by cory schires reading-list (which was in itself inspired by Apprenticeship Patterns).

The goals of this list are:

  • Keep an active list of hte books that I have read, partially read, and plan to read
  • Write a brief description of what I got out of and learned from each book, both as a way to solidify my understanding and as a book review excerpt
  • Provide a central point for any blog posts I write that further expand upon my thoughts related to each book
  • Provide a publicy-available datastore for my notes related to some of the books I read

I will include anything going forward that fits the desired subjects, but may add something I've read previously if it's particularly on-point or if I found it invaluable.

Books I've Read

Marty Cagan

Marty truly knows what he's talking about when it comes to the role of product managers. There's some painfully accurate insights in this book, and I greatly appreciate how he defines the role and surrounding supporting needs to making for great product organizations and teams. Unfortunately, there's a lot of cruft here as well. Too much whitespace thanks to the ridiculous number of "chapters", and the profile case studies are pathetically short and provide nearly zero insight into the actual activities, actions, or role of the person being profiled. While I found this thoroughly disappointing, the highlights do seem to outweigh the downsides, but perhaps you'd be sufficiently well served by reading some summaries or just skipping to Cagan's blog.

Full notes [here](https://github.com/DavidRagone/reading_list/blob/master/inspired.md]

Erin Meyer

A fascinating, story-driven but data-based exploration of the default behaviors of different cultures, with an eye to how our oversimplified assumptions of cultures miss the mark and the need to adjust ones approach and perspective when interacting with other cultures. Incredibly helpful when working across large national divides, I look forward to using this knowledge to find the right ways to communicate with my diverse team.

Full notes here

Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, Jim Noel

Possibly the best leadership/management book I've read to date, The Leadership Pipeline provides a clear framework for thinking about the differences in management roles, from managing others to leading a function to lead a business or group of businesses. While a cynic might view the book as marketing material for the authors' consulting practice, the view and consideration of different roles in a large company's management hierarchy requiring different work values, time applications, and skill development both accurately reflects my experiences and clearly sets the right example (quite applicable without paying that extra consulting money) for implementation.

Full notes here

Will Larson

While Will is a fan of systems thinking, his book falls quite short of providing anything that close. Worse, the writing is painfully verbose and drawn out - it's clear he's mostly copy-pasting blog post ideas (or perhaps the entire posts themselves). The diagrams used throughout are laughably bad, providing negative value and failing miserably to convey a useful idea, even after spending time slogging through the extensive explantory text.

All that said, there's plenty of nuggets of value here. With an incredibly talented (perhaps team of) editor(s), it's possible this could have turned into a book worth reading. Thankfully the pages are thick, so if you're a good skimmer then you could work through it reasonably quickly. But I wouldn't advise it.

Full notes here

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

The authors were SEALs and then ran a company (Echolon Front), applying the lessons they used as leaders in the SEALs to help leaders in companies succeed.

The big takeaway is in the title: take ownership of everything. Team's not delivering? That's on you to help them be effective. Don't have context to understand why you were told to do what you were told? That's on you - you should have asked. For anything, you can (and should have) taken ownership and helped your team succeed. Excuses are not acceptable.

While I appreciate the message, the content was repetitive and the war stories were overdone. The good news is that it was a quick read, and once I appreciated where to focus (thanks to the structure they used), it was easy to skim the sections that weren't adding much value.

Full notes here

Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

Full notes here

Michael D Watkins

Full notes here

Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister

I wrote up what I underlined and some of the marginalia I wrote while reading here. Overall, it was an inspiring and challenging (in the I want to do better for my team sort of way) book, and I'd certainly recommend it.

I wrote some detailed notes, but overall it was an enjoyable read, mixing useful categorizations, entertaining but informative stories, and useful advice.

I'm excited to use Flight.js in something more than a toy app, and look forward to making it my go-to for organizing jQuery-based client-side code. I think it's a great option for when a full-on single-page app is overkill. It results in easily testable, separate components that communicate via event triggering and listening - basically PubSub.

Sadly this book is the only one on the subject so far. As soon as there's anything else, I'd recommend you not waste your time here. There's simply way too many mistakes to make this anything but a frustrating read. The example app that the book has the reader build seems like it was written by at least two different authors. Components are referred to by different names, the directory structure is referred to differently, and there are numerous mistakes in the usage of multiple APIs, including Flight.js itself. Add to that a shockingly high number of syntax mistakes (and not just missing semicolons - ones that actually break the app), and it's all too clear that there was next to no editorial effort put into this book.

I wish I could recommend something better. In the mean time, if you have easy access to a copy of the book, it's probably worth a skim to get the basic idea of Flight, but you're likely much better off just reading the docs and looking at some online examples.

Despite having little to do with Agile development, and being primarily aimed at programmers who are still new to Rails, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It does a wonderful job of introducing the Rails way of doing things. Given the importance of convention in Rails (and the immense pain that can result when fighting that convention), I found it very valuable to learn some conventions I did not previously know.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who works in Rails and has at any point read or written code that felt more difficult than it should be (so basically everyone who uses Rails). Most especially, every contractor and consultant who works with Rails should read this.

Eloquent Ruby Russ Olsen

A brillaint resource for anyone who is new to Ruby (though I think it's helpful to be somewhat familiar with programming, and ideally have played around with Ruby at least a bit). Eloquent Ruby is not an exercises or project-based book, but rather a wonderfully detailed explanation of all the unique, programmer-friendly features that are core to being a strong Rubyist.

Please see further thoughts (and my detailed notes) at dmragone.com

Sandi's a wonderfully person who is either brillaint or a snake-oil-salesperson. It may well simply depend on whether you agree with what she has to say. Coming from Smalltalk, she's a strong believer in the power of Object-Oriented-Design to simplify and strengthen code. She explains OOD as best applied in Ruby brillaintly, and is only outdone by her talks. Watch her at RailsConf 2013, where she describes in great detail how to test in Ruby. And then read this if you care to write good ruby code.

I greatly enjoyed reading this book. It felt all strangely familiar (I believe I'd read various excerpts, reviews, and perhaps even some coverage of the various stufies and anecdotes used by Duhigg), but great fun to read regardless. It's an easy read, though if you're crunched for time, the value decreases in the last two sections, with the last one being a bit off-point and out-of-place.

I wrote a brief post about Habit at dmragone.com

I found the design patterns format of context/problem/solution/action made my traditional note-taking habits difficult. I didn't want to include all the details, but felt I could not adequately describe the solutions without the details. I eventually succumbed to summarize (poorly) each of the apprenticeship patterns.

A lot of the book read like smart common sense, at least for me. Though I found myself agreeing wiht it completely, the situationality and somewhat obviousness of the advice did not blow me away. However, the specificity of the 'Action' sections were quite nice. Adequately described, they are each actionable (and helpful in addressing the problem).

This book is filled with wisdom about how to write good object-oriented, test-driven code. Heavy emphasis on readability and using tests as a design element, not just for code accuracy, results in (what are to me at least) very impactful thoughts on how to approach development.

The only down-side of the book is the extensive example in the middle that is written in Java. I had no interest in learning Java in order to better read the examples, so instead relied on their descriptions of the project and how it demonstrates their system of development.

Thankfully the first two sections are well-condensed yet detailed descriptions of the theory, so I was able to get quite a lot out of it.

I highly recommend this to anyone who is intereted in TDD. This feels like the right way to do things.

Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, Andy Hunt

This book is commonly referred to as 'Pickaxe', due to the cover art. As reference guide to all of Ruby's features, I don't think there's much better than this book. It covers most of (at least what I know) exists in Ruby, and provides enough information to get a sense as to what you can do.

Having already read Eloquent Ruby, however, I felt that this was more of a reference book than a helpful introduction to the language. I also preferred Russ Olsen's style to that of Pickaxe, and sometimes felt that the cursory-overview of some features wasn't worth the time it took to go into them at such a shallow level.

I loved Russ Olsen's "Eloquent Ruby", so no surprise that I greatly enjoyed Design Patterns in Ruby.

As a reference for applying some common design patterns to Ruby, it's a wonderful thing to have at hand. As an intro to how to think about design in the context of Ruby, it's a great read.

JavaScript: The Good Parts Douglas Crockford

For anyone who's used JavaScript and found strange things occurring, this is an incredibly useful resource.

While I found the last few chapters more generally informative than specifically applicable, the first half of the book is a treasure trove of detail on how JavaScript works. Definitely worth reading.

jQuery in Action Bear Bibeault & Yehuda Katz

I've written a bit of jQuery, but this was the first time I used a reference that was not the online docs. The version I read is from 2008 (the linked version is from 2010), so there was some outdated information, but it is still a useful introduction to the wonder of jQuery.

I read this in the course of one evening, so I skipped a couple of chapters, and am sure there's more in it than my notes reflect. I focused on understanding how JavaScript interacts with the DOM, how jQuery simplifies that, and using jQuery's AJAX functionality.

To Read