
Multipart upload of a file to Amazon S3 with Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskell


Multipart upload of a file to Amazon S3 with Haskell. By first, the file is split into several parts, and then, each part is uploaded in parallel. If the upload of a part fails, the program will try to upload it automatically. You need to have the S3-client configured.

This work takes the ideas from the following tutorial.

Runs only on linux


  • GHC 8 or higher

cabal libraries:

  • Text.JSON (cabal install json)
  • Data.List.Utils (cabal install MissingH)

How to use it

  1. Compile:

ghc -O2 --make -threaded S3PartsUpload.hs

  1. Run the program splitting the input file into 10mb parts using two cores (minimum size is 5mb):

./S3PartsUpload input_file bucket_name 10M +RTS -N2