
A formal specification and verification of Tree Sort algorithm in Coq

Primary LanguageCoq

Formal Verification: Tree Sort

“The best programs are written so that computing machines can perform them quickly and so that human beings can understand them clearly.”

─Donald Knuth

The algorithm

A tree sort is a sort algorithm that builds a binary search tree from the elements to be sorted, and then traverses the tree (in-order) so that the elements come out in sorted order. Its typical use is sorting elements online: after each insertion, the set of elements seen so far is available in sorted order. (See Wikipedia).


I used CoqIde 8.11.1 The script contains:

* Definitions: binary tree, binary search tree, tree sort, etc.
* Functions: in-order transversal, list-to-BST, etc.
* Formalized proof of the tree sort correctness.