
Learning Platform for AI


An opensource platform for kids to train in AI.


  • Andrew Ng - Very good for learning the basic concepts.
  • Andrew Ng Free- The full course is also available in youtube for free but if you want certification, you can go with coursera
  • Applied AI - Gives a very good hands-on experience on Machine Learning. This is a paid course on yearly subscription
  • Artificial Intelligence A-Z, Deep Learning A-Z - to get hands-on, you can go with these two udemy courses. But they don't give a detailed explanation.

Data sets & Designed models

  • kaggle - You can find a vast variety of datasets here
  • dbpedia - For Wikipedia datasets
  • paperswithcode - For the state of the art models with codes.
  • spacy - A state of the art model for general NLP tasks.
  • huggingface - An important repo for NLP related tasks


  • pytorch- Open Source and powerful ML library for realtime applications (production)
  • tensorflow- OpenSource library primarily built for research. Easily customizable for specific application needs.
  • keras- Opensource neural network library. Ideal for deep neural networks

Happy Note :)

Please update the repo and readme file if you find any useful information.