Cloaker 2.1 Not Working Windows 7
evennotodd opened this issue · 10 comments
I was able to encrypt a zip file fine on my Mac and then I went to test it and see if I could decrypt in on my Windows 7 laptop. For some reason Cloaker wouldn't even open on it even after it asked me if I wanted to run the file. How can I fix this or when will the next release be sent out with this fixed (if it's a known bug)?
@evennotodd Did it give you the Windows Smart Screen warning? If so, you'll have to click "More Info" and then "Run anyway."
Any screenshots or gifs of the process might also be helpful.
Ah, actually, it was built on Windows 10 and I haven't tested it on Windows 7 as I don't have a Windows 7 machine anymore. It might just not work on there at all, come to think of it. I may be able to put one together but it'll take a while.
You could also try the CLI version, the GUI version may not work on Windows 7 because of Qt dependency mismatches.
That makes sense as the first version was built as a native Windows app rather than with Qt. Unfortunately, files encrypted with versions 2.0+ can't be decrypted by version 1.0. I'll let you know if I get a Windows 7 setup going, but otherwise, please use the CLI version or use version 1.1 on both sides. Thank you for your interest and feedback, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Can 1.1 files be decrypted in versions 2 and beyond?
Yes! Though they'll need to have the .cloaker