
Use cases of MCSPS services

Primary LanguageShell

MCSPS use cases

Demos and use cases for MCSPS

Simple demo app

  • creates configmap for nginx content
  • creates 2 pods from nginx image
  • creates service
  • creates ingress
  • deploys DNS entry with external-dns app
  • deploys LetsEncrypt cert with cert-manager and letsencrypt-prod issuer


  • k8s 1.16

Change cluster name and app name in CHANGEME lines!


kubectl create namespace demoapp
kubectl apply -f demoapp.yaml -n demoapp


kubectl delete -f demoapp.yaml -n demoapp
kubectl delete namespace demoapp

Basic Auth Demo

Create or use htpasswd user to access security spaces in your app:


htpasswd -c auth foo
kubectl create namespace demoapp
kubectl create secret generic htaccess-secret --from-file=auth -n demoapp
kubectl apply -f basicauth-demoapp.yaml -n demoapp


kubectl delete -f basicauth-demoapp.yaml -n demoapp
kubectl delete secret htaccess-secret -n demoapp
kubectl delete namespace demoapp

Reference: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/examples/auth/basic/

Smartcard Auth Demo

If your company/organization provide smartcards for the employees you can use Ingress Client Auth to verify if the client is a member of your organization. Example for "Deutsche Telekom AG Issuing CA 02". Adapt create-smartcard-secret.sh if required.


kubectl create namespace demoapp
kubectl apply -f smartcard-demoapp.yaml -n demoapp


kubectl delete -f smartcard-demoapp.yaml -n demoapp
kubectl delete namespace demoapp

Please note, there is user verification in the demoapp example. If this is required, you can use nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-tls-pass-certificate-to-upstream: "false" to send cert to upstream service and make a selection of users. Or add a configuration-snippet to set additional header and proceed this also on upstream service:

    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
      if ($ssl_client_verify != SUCCESS) { return 403; }
      proxy_set_header x-smardcard-auth "true";

OAuth2 Keycloak Demo

Provides a save https demo service behind Keycloak OAuth2 through oauth-proxy


  • Create OpenID Client in Keycloak Realm
  • Authorization Enabled, set Valid Redirect URIs = /*, pick up secret key
  • Setup a mapper "groups", Full group path = off, al other = on, Token Claim Name = groups
  • Adjust app name, cluster name, keycloak-server-name, oauth client id and secret in oauth2-keycloak.yaml


kubectl create namespace demoapp
kubectl apply -f oauth2-keycloak.yaml -n demoapp


kubectl delete -f oauth2-keycloak.yaml -n demoapp
kubectl delete namespace demoapp

Link: https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy

Storage demo

Like Simple demo app

  • creates SATA pvc
  • mount pvc to pods


kubectl create namespace demoappvol
kubectl apply -f demoapp_volume.yaml -n demoappvol
POD=$(kubectl  get pods -n demoappvol  --no-headers | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl cp README.md demoappvol/$POD:/usr/share/nginx/html/
curl https://<app_name>/README.md


kubectl delete -f demoapp_volume.yaml -n demoappvol
kubectl delete namespace demoappvol

OpenStack Cloud Controller

Create an external enhanced loadbalancer (ELB) with sticky session

kubectl create -f otc-lb.yaml


The new storage solution after migration to External Cloud Provider

Create OTC storage classes:

kubectl create -f cinder-csi-plugin/otc-storageclasses.yaml

Create OTC storage snapshot class:

kubectl create -f cinder-csi-plugin/otc-volumesnapshotclass.yaml 

Create OTC storage (PVC):

kubectl create -f cinder-csi-plugin/otc-pvc.yaml 

Create OTC Volume Snapshot:

kubectl create -f cinder-csi-plugin/otc-volumesnapshot.yaml 

Create OTC Volume Block-Device (with POD):

kubectl create -f cinder-csi-plugin/otc-blockdevice.yaml

Helm Deployment of Demo App

see subfolder

Hello world tomcat web server as microservice

see subfolder