
Stacked Framework Application Setup with Firebase and Stacked Package.

Primary LanguageDart

Stacked Setup

A Standard Framework Design Pattern for a single unified framework using Stacked and Firebase and more.

Getting Started

Repo for Flutter Framework, the series from FilledStacks Channel regarding Creating a project called BoxtOut Project a Food Delivery Service.

Used Technologies

  • Firebase (Note: Steps to Setup Firebase is in Documentation)
    • Firebase Core - Manditory for Using Firebase
    • Firebase Auth - For Authentication
  • Stacked (For: State Management, Navigation, Firebase Authentication and Dependency Inversion)
    • Stacked - For Main View-View Model Architecture
    • Stacked Firebase Auth - For Firebase Authentication
    • Stacked Services - For Services Like Navigation Service, Dialog Service, Snackbar Service, Bottomsheet Service

Sample Snippets

  "Freezed model": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "frz",
    "body": [
      "abstract class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/g}} with _$${1} {",
      "  factory ${1}({",
      "    @required ${2:String id},",
      "  }) = _${1};",
    "description": "Freezed model"
  "Freezed model Json": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "frzjs",
    "body": [
      "abstract class ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/g}} with _$${1} {",
      "  factory ${1}({",
      "    @required ${2:String id},",
      "  }) = _${1};",
      "factory ${1}.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => ",
    "description": "Freezed model with Json"
  "Stacked View": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "stkv",
    "body": [
      "import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
      "import 'package:stacked/stacked.dart';",
      "class ${1} extends StatelessWidget {",
      " const ${1}({Key key}) : super(key: key);",
      " @override",
      " Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
      "   return ViewModelBuilder<${1}Model>.reactive(",
      "     builder: (context, model, child) => Scaffold(),",
      "     viewModelBuilder: () => ${1}Model(),",
      "   );",
      " }",
    "description": "Stacked View"
  "Stacked BaseViewModel": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "stkbvm",
    "body": [
      "import 'package:stacked/stacked.dart';",
      "class ${1}Model extends BaseViewModel {}",
    "description": "Stacked BaseViewModel"
  "Main Test Suite Setup": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "testm",
    "body": [
      "import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';",
      "void main() {",
      " group('${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/g}} -', (){",
      " });",
    "description": "Main Test Suite Setup"
  "Test Group Setup": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "testg",
    "description": "Creates a Test group with a test",
    "body": [
      "group('${1} -', () {",
      " test('${2}', () {",
      " });",
  "Single Test Setup": {
    "scope": "dart,flutter",
    "prefix": "tests",
    "description": "Creates a single test",
    "body": [
      " test('${1}', () {",
      " });",