
A collection of tutorials on using Riverpod in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart


You need to run the following command in the relevant project folder to generate the platform folders (Android, iOS, Web, etc). Some of the tutorials will have these already included, if needed.

flutter create .

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Flutter Riverpod tutorials

Riverpod 001 - Understanding the different notifiers [ Video ] [ Code ] - Learn how, and when, to use ChangeNotifier, ValueNotifier and StateProvider. This in introduction to Riverpod, to get your feet wet.

Riverpod 002 - Reading providers best practices [ Video ] [ Code ] - Learn about the different ways to read providers, and when to use which.

Riverpod 003 - FutureProvider, AsyncValue and Error Handling [ Video ] [ Code ] - Master AsyncValue and learn how to use it in combination with StateNotifier with error handling.

Riverpod 004 - Freezed: Unions and Data Classes [ Video ] [ Code ] - Learn how to use Freezed and how it improves your Riverpod development workflow.

Code Snippets

The code snippets I use in Visual Studio Code to generate Freezed classes.

ctrl-shift-p to bring up the command palette and search for Preferences: Configure Code Snippets. And add the following to that file.

    "Part statement": {
        "prefix": "pts",
        "body": [
            "part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.g.dart';",
        "description": "Creates a filled-in part statement"
    "Part 'Freezed' statement": {
        "prefix": "ptf",
        "body": [
            "part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.freezed.dart';",
        "description": "Creates a filled-in freezed part statement"
    "Freezed Data Class": {
        "prefix": "fdataclass",
        "body": [
            "abstract class ${1:DataClass} with _$${1:DataClass}{",
            "  const factory ${1:DataClass}(${2}) = _${1:DataClass};",
        "description": "Freezed Data Class"
    "Freezed Union": {
        "prefix": "funion",
        "body": [
            "abstract class ${1:Union} with _$${1:Union}{",
            "  const factory ${1:Union}.${2}(${4}) = ${3};",
        "description": "Freezed Union"
    "Freezed Union Case": {
        "prefix": "funioncase",
        "body": [
            "const factory ${1:Union}.${2}(${4}) = ${3};"
        "description": "Freezed Union Case"