
My set of solutions for Zed A. Shaw's book "Learn C The Hard Way"

Primary LanguageC

Learn C The Hard Way

GDB Tricks

gdb --args [PROGRAM]

gdb --batch --ex run --ex bt --ex q --args [PROGRAM] [ARGS]

C Syntax

Execution Keywords

Keyword Description
break Exit out of a compound statement.
case A branch in a switch statement.
continue Continue to the top of a loop.
do Start a do-while loop.
default Default branch in a switch statement.
for Start a for loop.
goto Jump to a label.
if Start an if statement.
return Return from a function.
switch Start a switch statement.
while Start a while loop.

Type Keywords

Keyword Description
char Character data type.
double A double floating point data type.
float A floating point data type.
int An integer data type.
long A long integer data type.
short A short integer data type.
void Declare a data type empty.
union Start a union statement.
struct Combine variables into a single record.

Data Keywords

Keyword Description
auto Give a local variable a local lifetime.
const Make a variable unmodifiable.
enum Define a set of int constants.
extern Declare an identifier is defined externally.
register Declare a variable be stored in a CPU register.
signed A signed modifier for integer data types.
sizeof Determine the size of data.
static Preserve variable value after its scope exits.
typedef Create a new type.
unsigned An unsigned modifier for integer data types.
volatile Declare a variable might be modified elsewhere.

Type Sizes

Type Description
int8_t 8-bit signed integer
uint8_t 8-bit unsigned integer
int16_t 16-bit signed integer
uint16_t 16-bit unsigned integer
int32_t 32-bit signed integer
uint32_t 32-bit unsigned integer
int64_t 64-bit signed integer
uint64_t 64-bit unsigned integer