This is the personal blog of Ryan Brooks at All content in this site are my opinions and not those of my employer or any other organisation I may be affiliated with.
Please see the license to see how you can use the content of this site.
If you've found an error, typo or stylistic faux-pas, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.
If you just disagree with me, let's talk about it in the comments.
- Add /now page
- Add webmentions
- Add
page with link to community, e.g. RemoteHack - Style captions for images "better"
- Sort out nav - posts by tag, year, ???
- Update homepage to be summary & links off to places
- Figure out a way to blog short notes about websites & things
- Troubleshoot custom domain certs
- Fix Indieweb
for site validation on Mastodon - Build and deploy with github actions (and remove CircleCI config)
- fix small font on mobile
- PR for jekyll/github-metadata#190
- Pull in drafts from
- Medium
- Journal
- Bear
To embed a Tweet use the "Embed tweet" snippet from Twitter's website.
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
This script automatically pushes the build to the generated_site
To resize to (e.g.) 900px:
npx sharp-cli resize 900 \
--withoutEnlargement \
--optimise \
--progressive \
--format input \
--fit inside \
--input $(find ./docs -name *.jpg -or -name *.png) \
--output "{dir}/{base}"
Let's face it, I write too infrequently for this to be automated. To import a post from Medium:
- Use
(or one of the other variants) to convert the HTML to markdown. - Download images and update links to be local
- Update tweets to use Twitter embeds
- Honour permalinks from days gone by. The format for links is
- Slashes are optional. The following could both exist in the wild.
- Github-flavour markdown, including code blocks, are present in posts.
- Code blocks must be syntax highlighted!
- Tweets are included using