
A docker container for running an ioquake3 dedicated server

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A docker container for running ioquake3 dedicated servers built on Alpine Linux.

How to use

You will need to own a copy of Quake III Arena as the game files (specifically pak0.pk3) are needed to run this image.

Download the latest image:

docker pull spikly/q3syn:latest

Configure your server

Create a plain text file named server.cfg and add the configuration options to set the score limit, game type, number of bots and map rotation. A simple confiuration for a Free For All server is below.

seta sv_hostname "YOUR_SERVER_NAME" // The name of your server as you want it to appear in the server browser list
seta sv_maxclients 12 // The max number of players
seta sv_pure 1 // Enable pure server (recommended unless playing certain mods)

// Password
seta g_needpass 1 // Enable/disable a password that players must enter in order to join the server
seta g_password "YOUR_PASSWORD"

seta timelimit 15 // Game time limit in minutes
seta fraglimit 25 // Frag score limit

seta g_gametype 0 // Set the game type (0: FFA, 1: Tourney, 2: FFA, 3: TD, 4: CTF)
seta g_friendlyFire 0 // Enable/disable friendly fire
seta g_teamAutoJoin 0 // Enable/disable auto team join for team games
seta g_teamForceBalance 1 // Enable auto team balancing
seta g_inactivity 300 // Kick player after period of inactivity in seconds (e.g. 300 = 5 minutes)
seta g_doWarmup 1 // Enable/disable warmup
seta g_warmup 15 // Warmup duration in seconds

// Map cycle
set map1 "map Q3DM1; set nextmap vstr map2"
set map2 "map Q3DM2; set nextmap vstr map3"
set map3 "map Q3TOURNEY1; set nextmap vstr map4"
set map4 "map Q3DM4; set nextmap vstr map5"
set map5 "map Q3DM5; set nextmap vstr map6"
set map6 "map Q3DM6; set nextmap vstr map7"
set map7 "map Q3TOURNEY2; set nextmap vstr map1"
vstr map1

// Bots
seta bot_enable 1 // Enable/disable bots
seta bot_nochat 1 // Enable/disable bot chatting
seta g_spskill 2 // Set the bot skill level
seta bot_minplayers 8 // Set minimum number of players on the server, if there are less than that bots will fill in the empty player slots

You can find more detailed server configuration instructions here: https://www.quake3world.com/q3guide/servers.html

Run the image:

Before starting your server you will need to know the path to the server.cfg file you just created, as well as the path to the base game file pak0.pk3

Then run:

docker run -p 27960:27960/udp -d -v /path/to/your/pak0.pk3:/data/pak0.pk3 -v /path/to/your/server.cfg:/data/server.cfg spikly/q3syn:latest

You can easily run multiple servers by changing the port number you map to the container. For example after running the command above you could then run:

docker run -p 27961:27960/udp -d -v /path/to/your/pak0.pk3:/data/pak0.pk3 -v /path/to/another/server.cfg:/data/server.cfg spikly/q3syn:latest

which would start another server using a different config accessible through port 27961.

Join your server

Open the Quake 3 console and type:


Or if running a server on something other than port 27960:


And if you set a server password in your server.cfg file: