
A simple pie chart builder based on EaselJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A simple pie chart builder based on EaselJS



Tested compatible with jQuery 1.9.1 and 2.0.3, and EaselJS 0.6.1

Tested compatible with Mac/Chrome 29 and Mac/Firefox 23.



<canvas id="myCanvas" width="350" height="350"></canvas>

Note that you may pass in config parameters through the <canvas>'s data attributes:

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="350" height="350" data-hoverpie-config-label-radius-factor=0.8>

See below for more information about config options.


var data = [
    percentage : 0.2,
    fillColor : "#c05555",
    labelText : "red"
HoverPie.make($('#myCanvas'), data, {});

You can also make a group of pies at once using the same data and config!

HoverPie.makeAll($('canvas'), data, config);

Each data point you pass in may contain any of the following options:

option name type description
percentage [0,1] How large a slice of the pie this point represents. This is **not** validated.
fillColor CSS color Overrides the sectorFillColor config option.
labelText string The text to appear in the title label (both hover and unhover).
descriptionText string The text to appear in the description label (only visible on hover)
labelOffset {x : (float), y : (float) } Offsets the title label (unhover only)
labelHoverOffset {x : (float), y : (float) } Offsets the title label (hover only) and description label
config Object, see below Enables each particular data point to customize things like font family, text options, etc

The third argument in HoverPie.make(...) refers to a config parameter. Acceptable config options:

option name type default description
canvasPadding integer 25 pixels between unhovered pie and canvas edge
hoverEnabled boolean true
hoverScale float 1.1 scale for the hovered pie sector
labelRadiusFactor float 0.66 This factor is multiplied with the pie's radius to determine where the unhovered title label is positioned.
labelHoverRadiusFactor float false This factor is multiplied with the pie's radius to determine where the hover title and description labels are positioned. If false, falls back to labelRadiusFactor
labelFontColor CSS color rgba(255,255,255,0.5) Affects unhovered title label.
labelFontFamily CSS font family Arial Affects unhovered and hovered title labels.
labelFontWeight CSS font weight normal Affects unhovered and hovered title labels.
labelFontSize pixel number 16 Affects unhovered and hovered title labels.
labelHoverColor CSS color rgba(255,255,255,1) Affects hovered title label. If false, falls back to labelFontColor.
descriptionFontColor CSS color false Affects description label. If false, falls back to labelHoverColor.
descriptionFontFamily CSS font family false Affects description label. If false, falls back to labelFontFamily.
descriptionFontWeight CSS font weight false Affects description label. If false, falls back to labelFontWeight.
descriptionFontSize px false Affects description label. If false, falls back to labelFontSize.
descriptionOffsetX px 0 Positions the description label with relation to the hover title label.
descriptionOffsetY px 0 Positions the description label with relation to the hover title label.
descriptionAlignment center, left or right center Description label will align with the left, center or right of the hover label.
descriptionLineWidth px false Sets the description label's line width. If false, description label will not wrap.
descriptionLineHeight px false Sets the description label's line height. If false, defaults to 1.2 times the width of an 'm'.
sectorFillColor CSS color #666
sectorStrokeColor CSS color #fff
sectorStrokeWidth float 2


This library is available under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.