
When the fuck is Pizza Night?

Primary LanguageRubyThe UnlicenseUnlicense


When the Fuck is Pizza Night?


This is a Sinatra app that uses Compass to manage its stylesheets. If you're going to edit styles, run compass watch to compile changes from public/scss into public/stylesheets. You can install compass with gem install compass.

To run a dev server, my preferred solution is shotgun. You can install shotgun with gem install shotgun.


This project uses rubygems and Bundler to manage dependencies. run bundle install to make sure you have everything you need before starting your local server.

  • wikipedia-client: used in finding the "because on this day" bit
  • json: for parsing content pulled down from Wikipedia

###Staging & Production

This project has a staging server at staging.whenthefuckispizzanight.com (an alias of wtfipn-staging.herokuapp.com), and a production server at whenthefuckispizzanight.com (an alias of wtfipn-production.herokuapp.com).

The way our git repository is configured, to deploy all one needs to do is git push staging master or git push production master.

###Other Deployments

Our DNS over at Dreamhost also sets up a few custom subdomains for friends:

  • oakland.whenthefuckispizzanight.com -> Tumblr (Jasmine Friedrich)


  • loading icon before ajax
  • postgresql db
  • data model: users, events, attendees All interaction with secure parts of the app will be done through unique tokens emailed to the user. Story 1: User is linked to a pizza night app (ie portland.wtfipn.com)
  • dashboard
  • better wiki parsing:
    • process more curly-brace tokens
      • [] citations
      • {{convert
      • one-offs: {{1/4}}¢/L, {{F1|1970}}, {{sortfrac|2|1|2}}, {{mpl|2010 XC|15}}, {{US$|2,520,700}}
    • and
    • decapitalize the first word if it is an article (or if it wasn't originally in a token?!)
    • change tenses of verbs...
    • search for all special characters: `%^&*()-=_+[]}|;':",./<>?
    • remove instances of negative emotion?
    • for sentence fragments, rearrange the reason. current: "because on this day in 1986, First meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force". fixed: "because today in 1986 was the First meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force"
  • caching of the pages, reporting on new events that don't parse well
  • finish adding colons.txt to the matches in processColons