
Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models: with applications in R. A book written by A. Guisan, W. Thuiller and N.E. Zimmermann.


The repository contains figures, data and code for the book

Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models: with Applications with R .

Note that the copyright to these figures is held by Cambridge University Press (CUP).



Publisehd on 14th September 2017


  • Antoine Guisan, UniversitĂ© de Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Wilfried Thuiller, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, France

  • Niklaus E. Zimmermann, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland

If you use any of these figures and code examples in a presentation or lecture, please add the source: "Guisan A., Thuiller W. and Zimmermann N.E. 2017. Cambridge University Press". If you wish to use any of these figures in a publication, you must get permission from CUP, and each figure must be accompanied by a similar acknowledgement.