
This is a repository containing the code for the corresponding tutorial on youtube : https://youtu.be/ZZgrGiyoCTQ

Primary LanguageC#


This is a repository containing the code for the corresponding tutorial on youtube : https://youtu.be/ZZgrGiyoCTQ

This repository is a basic implementation of a Godot Game server running on Playfab with a Godot Game client lauched by Steam that connects to a Lobby server.

The repository is being separated into 3 projects (1 per folder).


This code does not intend to be a bullet proof neither fully secure implementation but rather a tutorial on how to do it. A lot of things can be improved for an actual game.

Lobby server

To start the lobby server (and watch files for modifications), open a terminal under the LobbyServer folder and run the command:

dotnet watch run

Game client

You will have to update the port of the lobby server to the one you actually use.

You will also have to update the steam appid of the game client to your actual steam appid.

Enjoy (: