

Spin node create spin api for node

How to install

yarn add @spinfi/node

How to init

const {spin} = await createApi({
  accountId: 'some account id value',
  privateKey: 'some private key value',


Spin core create spin api instace that work exactly in browser and node.js

const response = await spin.depositFt(request);


Websocket property provide functions to call spin off-chain methods by websocket

Websocket method divided in two types:

  • method (similar to async call with callback)
  • subscription

1. Method

Method require some parameters in json rpc format and return some data with onOk callback. If websocket return not expected data format - api will ignore it. If websocket return correct message without connection/js error, but with error field - data handled by onError callback

How to use

const unsubscribe ={
  onOk: (data) => console.log(data),
  onError: (error) => console.error(error),

2. Subscription

Subscription its like method but more complex. It work like that:

  • subscription send method sub and create channel to server
  • if sub ok (channel created) then api create listners for websocket
  • if new websocket message its for channel then api call corresponding subscription callbacks
const unsubscribe = spin.listenOrders(request, {
  onSubOk: (data) => console.log(data),
  onSubError: (error) => console.error(error),

Channel - its stream of websocket message that have same subscription id and have some format. Messages in channel maybe different. Some channel have first uniq message and some not. First uniq message in channel its state and other messages its notification

Websoket message match with channel by json rpc id created when subscription called and subscription id created by server

const unsubscribe = spin.listenOrders(request, {
  onNotifyOk: (data) => console.log(data),
  onNotifyError: (error) => console.error(error),
  onStateOk: (data) => console.log(data),
  onStateError: (error) => console.error(error),

Some times its needed unsubscribe from subscription. It work like that:

  • subscription send method unsub and get response
  • if response is true then channel is closed
  • internal rxjs subscriptions its also unsubscribed
  • if response is false then channel not closed
  • onUnsubError handle false branch
const unsubscribe = spin.listenOrders(request, {
  onSubError: (error) => console.error(error),
  onUnsubError: (error) => console.error(error),