
I tried to learn peerjs from a Youtube tutorial, but it didn't work, it ended up having a timing issue hidden. I fixed it and posted it here

Primary LanguageJavaScript

taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvlyzDZDEq4&t=162s but for some reason, can't get the call event triggered by const mediaConnection = peer.call(userId, stream) to trigger the "call" event in the userId of the peer will try another tutorial to see if I find the problem

Issue solved in this example, it was a timing problem due to the sequence of calls. See https://github.com/spine001/working_peer_js_WebRTC_Nodejs_example for more details on the fix. It is another working example of peerjs WebRTC with working_peer_js_WebRTC_Nodejs_example This example uses 1.3.2 version of the client and you ought to start the peerjs server from a termina using peerjs --port 3001 --key peerjs --path /myapp The client in script.js will need for this peer server to be running at port 3001 with path /myapp