
Utility Perl Scripts

Primary LanguagePerl


Utility Perl Scripts

Mine Jenkins Plugins (get_jenkins_plugins.pl)

About: Scrape the Jenkins Updates repository for latest version of plugins, download the plugins, and create an archive.

Usage: ./get_jenkins_plugins.pl [ --all | --filter "pattern" ] --dest-path "downloads location" --help

Invoke ./get_jenkins_plugins.pl --help for usage information/examples


  • The required --all or --filter options must be used
  • Using --dest-path recommended (this were the *hpi files are dumped)
  • Ensure that LWP::Simple is installed

Include the /bin path in the PATH var Use relative path below or export PERL5LIB var to include the /lib path


export PATH=/home/svpineo/perl-scripts/bin:$PATH
export PERL5LIB=/home/svpineo/perl-scripts/lib`

Quotations/Authors Information Scraping

Included in the bin/quotes directory are scripts used for scraping quotations and authors information. For more information review the script description and/or use the --usage command-line option.