
Angular 2 autocomplete component

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Auto complete component for Angular 2.

This component is based on angucomplete-alt

Click for the demo

This version is a work in progress


npm install ng2-completer --save


The module you want to use ng2-completer in must import Ng2CompleterModule and FormsModule (to use the ngModel directive on ng2-completer). Ng2CompleterModule provides the CompleterService, and declares the ng2-completer directive.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { Ng2CompleterModule } from "ng2-completer";
  imports: [
  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

Add ng2-completer to your component and create a data source:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { CompleterService, CompleterData } from 'ng2-completer';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: `<h1>Search color</h1>
            <ng2-completer [(ngModel)]="searchStr" [dataService]="dataService" [minSearchLength]="0"></ng2-completer>`
export class MyComponent {

  private searchStr: string;
  private dataService: CompleterData;
  private searchData = [
    { color: 'red', value: '#f00' },
    { color: 'green', value: '#0f0' },
    { color: 'blue', value: '#00f' },
    { color: 'cyan', value: '#0ff' },
    { color: 'magenta', value: '#f0f' },
    { color: 'yellow', value: '#ff0' },
    { color: 'black', value: '#000' }

  constructor(private completerService: CompleterService) {
    this.dataService = completerService.local(this.searchData, 'color', 'color');

ng2-completer uses rxjs stream as data sources. There are 2 ready made data sources that can be used to fetch local and remote data but it's also possible to provide a custome source that generates a stream of items.

###System.js configuration

Add the following to System.js map configuration:

   var map = {
       'ng2-completer':              'node_modules/ng2-completer/bundles'

Add the following to System.js packages configuration:

   var packages = {
       'ng2-completer':              { main: 'ng2-completer.js', format: 'cjs' }


ng2-completer directive

Attribute Description Type Required Default
dataService Autocomplete list data source. CompleterData Yes
ngModel see the angular forms API. string Yes
autoMatch Auto select an item if it is the only result and it is an exact match of the search text. boolean No false
clearSelected Clear the input when a result is selected. boolean No false
disableInput If true disable the input field. boolean No false
fieldTabindex Set the tabIndex of the input. number No
inputName name attribute of the input element. string No
matchClass CSS class to apply for matching part of the title and description. string No
maxChars Maximal number of characters that the user can type in the component. number No 524288
minSearchLength Minimal number of characters required for searching. number No 3
overrideSuggested If true will override suggested and set the model with the value in the input field. boolean No false
pause Number of msec. to wait before searching. number No 250
placeholder Placeholder text for the search field. string No
selected Event handler that is called when an item is selected. (selected: CompleterItem): void No
highlighted Event handler that is called when an item is highlited. (highlighted: CompleterItem): void No
textNoResults Text displayed when the search returned no results. string No
textSearching Text displayed while search is active. string No Searching...

Local data

Create local data provider by calling CompleterService.local.


Name Type Description Required
data any[] | Observable<any[]> A JSON array with the data to use or an Observable that emits one Yes
searchFields string Comma separated list of fields to search on. Fields may contain dots for nested attributes; if empty or null all data will be returned. Yes
titleField string Name of the field to use as title for the list item. Yes


Name Type Description
descriptionField string Name of the field to use as description for the list item.
imageField string Name of the field to use as image url for the list item.

Remote data

Create remote data provider by calling CompleterService.remote.


Name Type Description Required
url string Base url for the search Yes
searchFields string Comma separated list of fields to search on. Fields may contain dots for nested attributes; if empty or null all data will be returned. Yes
titleField string Name of the field to use as title for the list item. Yes


Name Type Description
descriptionField string Name of the field to use as description for the list item.
imageField string Name of the field to use as image url for the list item.
urlFormater (term: string) => string Function that get's the searchterm and returns the search url before each search.
dataField string The field in the response that includes the data.
headers Headers (@angular/http) HTTP request headers that should be sent with the search request.

CSS classes

  • .completer-holder
  • .completer-input
  • .completer-dropdown-holder
  • .completer-dropdown
  • .completer-searching
  • .completer-no-results
  • .completer-row
  • .completer-image-holder
  • .completer-image
  • .completer-image-default
  • .completer-title
  • .completer-description
  • .completer-list-item-holder
  • .completer-list-item