
Sovol printer.cfg and Creality sonic pad

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there!

I was trying to use your created printer.cfg with the Sonic Pad. After removing the Line:
[include mainsail.cfg]
the file could be imported into the pad and also the connection worked. Test for fans was also fine.
But when doing the z offset calibration, following error message came up:

"Probe triggered prior to movement"

Do you have any idea for this problem? Is this something that also occurs with the mainsail installation?

Kind Regards

Hi there,

sorry for answering that late. I was on vacation. The problem is that the sonic pad does a xyz homing when calibrating the z-offset. So even when i raise the z axis before calibrating, after the homing the message occurs again. I have no idea hw to solve this.