
The automated integration tests for Keel.

Primary LanguageGherkin


Ballast keeps Keel on-course and stable as it sails from staging to prod.

Implementation details

Karate-based tests

The tests are implemented using the Karate framework. The tests live in src/test/resources/ballast/smoke.feature.

Karate exposes arbitrary scripting functionality using JavaScript. You can find the custom JavaScript functions in src/test/resources/ballast/js.

Test runners

There are three test runners, all of them in src/test/kotlin/ballast.

  • DevTestRunner - for local development (running inside of IntelliJ)
  • FancyReportTestRunner - for running inside of Titus
  • CleanupRunner - cleans up ballast app state (for local troubleshooting)


DevTestRunner is a JUnit5-based test runner. IntelliJ will display the test results using its typical testing view.


If you use FancyReportTestRunner, then Ballast will generate a report using cucumber-reports in the target/cucumber-html-reports directory.

This is the test runner that gets invoked inside of the Docker container.


The tests assume that the "ballast" app is unmanaged to start, and after each test run, the tests are supposed to delete the delivery config by invoking after.feature

However, if somehow your tests don't delete the delivery config, you can run CleanupRunner and it will delete the ballast delivery config.

How to

Set up endpoints and authentication

Edit karate-config.js and replace the placeholders for the endpoint and certificates with the ones that make sense for your environment.

Run ballast tests from your laptop

  1. Import the project into IntelliJ
  2. Run the src/test/kotlin/ballast/DevTestRunner from IntelliJ

Build and test

Building a new latest image

Build and publish from your laptop:

docker build -t spinnaker/ballast:latest .
docker push spinnaker/ballast:latest

Note: it's your responsibility to ensure that you've committed your changes to the repo.

Promoting latest image to stable


Current Coverage

Ballast currently tests a limited, core set of functions:

  • Submitting a delivery-config and validating new resources under management
  • Validating resource ec2-cluster actuation and convergence on a HAPPY state
  • Changing the desired artifact and again validating ec2-cluster actuation and convergance on a HAPPY state
  • Validating delivery-config and enviroment changes
  • Validating environment ordering via the depends-on constraint
  • Validating stateful constraints via the manual-judgement constraint
  • Validating manual-judgement approval
  • Validating post-approval promotion
  • Deleting delivery-configs and validating no longer having resources under management

EC2 resources deployed during testing are in the ballast application.