
Reference implementation of node api using typescript, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL DB

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The code in this repo demonstrates use of typeorm as an ORM using two tables with geography data sets. This example uses typescript and contains use of ts-node to build typescript and run this code in standard ES5 javascript hosted in a traditional node.js express app

This code uses the following libaries:

This code assumes usage of typeorm and typescript requires postgresql but you could switch database vendors and use MySQL or MS SQL Server or any db supported by typeorm. See https://typeorm.io/data-source-options

This proof of concept uses a repository to get data from database and uses express.

See https://typeorm.io/ and notes below for more info

Get Started

To get started perform the following steps:

1) Install PostgreSQL

Go to downloads section and select the latest version (15.x as of 12/2022) for your operating system


2) Create PostgreSQL database to use in this POC along with user that has permissions to modify and access the database

  • After installing locally you should have database server and the code connects to db using information in ormconfig.ts file so you need to ensure this db and user exists before running the code
  • Create an empty database named "typeorm_poc_db"
  • Create a create an account named "typeorm_poc_user" in your postgres database server with full permissions to the database named "typeorm_poc_db" using the password in Database.ts (after changing the value SET_YOUR_PASSWORD to be your desired password)

Here are sql scripts to run:

NOTE: run one at a time in order, first create the db then select the db and run these queries IN the new database so that the user has proper permissions to create tables and insert data.

CREATE DATABASE typeorm_poc_db;

CREATE ROLE typeorm_poc_user LOGIN PASSWORD 'SET_YOUR_PASSWORD - the_secure_password_from_config_in_ormconfig.ts';

GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE typeorm_poc_db TO typeorm_poc_user;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE typeorm_poc_db TO typeorm_poc_user;

GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO typeorm_poc_user;

3) Run npm install

Run command to install the npm packages

npm install

4) Create database schema

Run npm script "dev" which will do this via logic in app.ts or you can run migrations manually

npm run dev


ts-node ./node_modules/typeorm/cli "migration:run" "-f" "./ormconfig.ts"

5) Populate database with data

There is logic in the app.ts file that will seed the two tables with data if the data is not already there.

Data will be populated if it does not exist via:

npm run dev

6) Run the application in development mode

The application is written in typescript and relies on tables and data that is created during app startup and running the npm command:

npm run dev

When you run this command the express node server will start and listen on port 6001

6) Build the application for deployment

The application is written in typescript and compiled into javascript in a "dist" folder - the command below will compile the app and run it.

npm run build

7) exercise the application via postman OR thunder client

7.1 - Get a client

  1. https://www.thunderclient.com/

  2. https://www.getpostman.com - Download and install https://www.getpostman.com

7.2 - Import "postman" collection and run requests

Use the client of your choice to run the requests to see api data and responses after importing the collection in the "postman" folder

The requests are pointed to http://localhost:6001 as a base url.

Examples Referenced

Step By Step Example

Repositories using TypeORM

TypeORM Migrations

TypeORM Data Seeding