PoWAdv ERC20 Token Miner
Solves proof of work to mine supported ERC20 tokens.
Update 1.5.23 - 1000X CPU Pool Mining
This new build uses the C++ addon to accelerate the CPU mining one-thousand fold.
Building from Source
Setup (Windows/Linux)
- Install NodeJS 8.9
- Run 'npm install yarn -g' to install yarn package manager
- Clone/download the project
- Open a terminal, cd into the project folder and run 'yarn' to install dependencies
- Run the command 'npm run build' to build C files with node-gyp
- Start the miner with 'node index.js'
Setup (Mac)
- Install Homebrew & NodeJS 8.9
- Run 'brew install yarn' to install yarn package manager
- Clone/download this project
- Open a terminal, cd into the project folder and run 'yarn'
- Run the command 'npm run build' to build C files with node-gyp
- Start the miner with 'node index.js'
"help" - Show the help menu
"account new" - Create a new mining account
"account list" - List all mining accounts
"account select 0x####" - Select a primary mining account by address
"account balance" - List the ether and token balance of your selected account
"contract list" - List the selected token contract to mine
"contract select 0x####" - Select a PoW token contract to mine
"config gasprice #" - Set the gasprice used to submit PoW to the token smartcontract
"config cpu_threads #" - Set the number of CPU cores to use for mining
"config web3provider http://----:####" - Set the web3 provider url for submitting ethereum transactions
"pool mine" - Begin mining into a pool
"pool list" - List the selected mining pool
"pool select http://####.com:####" - Select a pool to mine into
"mine" - Begin mining solo, directly into the smartcontract
Getting Started
- Build a new mining account with 'account new'
- View the private key with 'account list'
- Write down these credentials
- Mine POWA tokens with the command 'mine'
Vault Datafiles
(requires 'show hidden files and folders')
Stored at:
Windows '/Users/{user}/Appdata/Roaming/.PoWAdv'
Mac '/home/{user}/Library/Preferences/.PoWAdv'
Linux '/home/{user}/.PoWAdv'
npm run test
Credits (Original developer)
Zegordo (Developed the accelerated CPU Miner)
ETH address [0x8AE981d92875C88f713600EB7dC4D23FA7E0E621]