
Miner for PoWAdv Token

Primary LanguageC

PoWAdv ERC20 Token Miner

Solves proof of work to mine supported ERC20 tokens.

Update 1.5.23 - 1000X CPU Pool Mining

This new build uses the C++ addon to accelerate the CPU mining one-thousand fold.

Building from Source

Setup (Windows/Linux)

  1. Install NodeJS 8.9
  2. Run 'npm install yarn -g' to install yarn package manager
  3. Clone/download the project
  4. Open a terminal, cd into the project folder and run 'yarn' to install dependencies
  5. Run the command 'npm run build' to build C files with node-gyp
  6. Start the miner with 'node index.js'

Setup (Mac)

  1. Install Homebrew & NodeJS 8.9
  2. Run 'brew install yarn' to install yarn package manager
  3. Clone/download this project
  4. Open a terminal, cd into the project folder and run 'yarn'
  5. Run the command 'npm run build' to build C files with node-gyp
  6. Start the miner with 'node index.js'


  "help" - Show the help menu

  "account new" - Create a new mining account
  "account list" - List all mining accounts
  "account select 0x####" - Select a primary mining account by address
  "account balance" - List the ether and token balance of your selected account

  "contract list" - List the selected token contract to mine
  "contract select 0x####" - Select a PoW token contract to mine

  "config gasprice #" - Set the gasprice used to submit PoW to the token smartcontract
  "config cpu_threads #" - Set the number of CPU cores to use for mining
  "config web3provider http://----:####" - Set the web3 provider url for submitting ethereum transactions

  "pool mine" - Begin mining into a pool
  "pool list" - List the selected mining pool
  "pool select http://####.com:####" - Select a pool to mine into

  "mine" - Begin mining solo, directly into the smartcontract

Getting Started

  1. Build a new mining account with 'account new'
  2. View the private key with 'account list'
  3. Write down these credentials
  4. Mine POWA tokens with the command 'mine'

Vault Datafiles

(requires 'show hidden files and folders')

Stored at:

  • Windows '/Users/{user}/Appdata/Roaming/.PoWAdv'

  • Mac '/home/{user}/Library/Preferences/.PoWAdv'

  • Linux '/home/{user}/.PoWAdv'


npm run test

Credits (Original developer)

  1. Zegordo (Developed the accelerated CPU Miner)

     ETH address [0x8AE981d92875C88f713600EB7dC4D23FA7E0E621]

Tokens that can be mined using Proof of Work:

  1. POWA token - http://powadv.org - https://etherscan.io/address/0x1a136ae98b49b92841562b6574d1f3f5b0044e4c