
Alfred workflow to easily search firebolt documentation

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

Alfred Firebolt Documentation Workflow

Alfred is a fantastic launcher allowing you to implement custom actions based on keyboard. This workflow implements a search in the Firebolt documentation, using the same data used by the in-browser search, but matching using a fuzzy search (similar to what sublime does, the letters have to occur in similar order).


  1. Install crystal
  2. Install Alfred with the Powerpack extension (which is a paid feature)
  3. Clone this repo
  4. Install the workflow by running make and open firebolt.alfredworkflow which will install the workflow - this can be repeated anytime


Open your alfred launcher, type firebolt <term>, for example firebolt JDBC and enjoy the results. Hitting enter on one of the results will open them in your browser.

Here is a sample with a couple of terms: