
The first edition of the Ruby on Rails course in HackBulgaria. This is the follow-up course after https://github.com/HackBulgaria/Core-Ruby-1

Primary LanguageRuby


The first edition of the Ruby on Rails course in Hack Bulgaria. This is the follow-up course after Core Ruby.

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Week Material
1 Intro to Rails. History and Perks. Ruby refresher.
2 Intro to HTTP. The Tricky Parts: Cookies, Sessions. Intro to Sinatra.
3 HTTP Refresher. Intro to SQL. Transactions, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Indexes. The Architecture of a Web app.
4 SQL Refresher. Intro to Rails: Convention over Configuration, Overview of the Builtin Frameworks, Scaffolding. Basic Routing and Controller Rendering. Views, Layouts and Partials Structure.
5 Controller Rendering and Redirection. Basic Authentication. Rendering forms. Mailers, Intro to ActiveJob. #perform_now vs #perform_later
6 Intro to ActiveRecord. Intro to schema.rb and Migrations. Validations and Callbacks. How not to abuse the callbacks.
7 Basic Query Interface. Intro to associations. Associations in depth. Many-to-many, .through, Automatic Reverses.
8 Transactions, Single table inheritence. Has Secure Password. Musings on Small Models. Sandi Metz 5 Rules. Thoughts on OOP.
9 Routes inside out. Introduction to engines. Middleware, Rack, Railties, Initializers and Configuration.
10 The Rails Eco System. Third party gems. Responders, Timecop, RSpec, Capybara. Active Model, Internationalization.
11 Constant Autoloading explained. The Asset Pipeline. Rake Tasks, Command Line Tools and Debugging Rails applications.