
A collection of Q-Sys Design files

MIT LicenseMIT


A collection of Q-Sys Design files

Free to use for public, private or commercial purposes under an MIT licence

Art-Net Lighting Controller

A channel based lighting desk built in Q-Sys to send Art-Net messages.

Art-Net Lighting Controller

Art-Net messaging code originally based of off code from https://github.com/locimation/qsys-plugins by Locimation

DateTime Picker

A datetime picker implemented for the QSC Q-SYS platform, providing a customizable calendar interface for selecting dates and times.

DateTime Picker

Features include:

  • 12-hour clock format with AM/PM support.
  • Uses system clock to determine date and time.
  • Interactive selection of day, hour, minute, and second.
  • Navigation between months and years using next and previous month buttons.
  • Display of days from the previous and next months.
  • Highlighting of the currently selected day.
  • "Now" function to select the current day and time when triggered.
  • ISO 8601 support: "DateTimeInput" text field can accept ISO 8601 formatted dates, with output text fields in both human-readable and ISO 8601 formats.
  • Color customization for days from the current, previous, and next months as variables in the Text Controller lua code file.

Made in Q-SYS Designer 9.4.5 LTS