Server Sent Events for Android !

Primary LanguageJava


Server Sent Events for Android !


This library is on maven . In order to use it you need to add it as a dependency in your project.

compile 'gr.spiritinlife:andsse:0.0.1'


The preferred way to use the library at this moment is to create a singleton adapter that creates the AndSSEEventSource which is the front end of the tcp connection for our library. eg.

public class AndSSEAdapter {

    private static final String SERVER_ENDPOINT = "";
    *   This is the endpoint that the sends the events
    private static final String SSE_ENDPOINT = "/events/";

    private static AndSSEEventSource mAndSSEEventSource;

    public static AndSSEEventSource getSSEAdapter(Context _context) throws MalformedURLException {
        if (mAndSSEEventSource == null) {
            mAndSSEEventSource = new AndSSEEventSource(SERVER_ENDPOINT,SSE_ENDPOINT,8000);

        return mAndSSEEventSource;

After that we can addEventListeners to any activity/fragment we want as follows

try {
    mAndSSEEventSource = AndSSEAdapter.getSSEAdapter(this);

    mAndSSEEventSource.addEventListener("mouse",new IEventCallback() {
        public void onEvent(AndEvent event) {

            String data = event.getData();



   } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

Important you need to handle the lifecycle of the AndSSEEventSource thread. In order to achieve this you need to add the following

protected void onResume() {
    if (mAndSSEEventSource != null)

protected void onPause() {
    if (mAndSSEEventSource != null)

protected void onDestroy() {
    if (mAndSSEEventSource != null)


  • Keep as close as possible to the javascript experience
  • Keep as close as possible to the the RFC
  • Have no dependency


There are a lot of things that need to be done in order for this library to be safe to use . The most important are :

  • Add example project
  • Add example node server for testing
  • Docs
  • Library assumes that server is "speaking" SSE which is not what RFC describes . We should add ways to check if communication with server can be handled
  • Test for cases that the SSE parser is not functioning correctly
  • Maybe there is better/safer way to handle tcp connections and communication between threads