
play around with the monero-wallet-rpc and get started building monero apps!

Primary LanguageShell


this is a collection of bash scripts to play with the monero wallet-rpc

there are also some scripts to start a local testnet for development of monero related software. (similar to what can be found in the haveno makefile)

run a local testnet for development

run this in one terminal to start one daemon:


then in another terminal do this to start a second daemon:


use this command to create a wallet for testing:

./monero-wallet-cli --testnet --generate-new-wallet ExampleLocalTestnetWallet
./monero-wallet-cli --testnet --wallet-file ExampleLocalTestnetWallet # <--- this is how you can reopen the wallet later on.

afterwards run this command in one of the 2 terminals where the daemon is running:

start_mining 9yCf2JpFA4kUiPeJEr27A1KnLVg786v2NeYDzN8HYyntRRPysRA23vwaKg3uSNV9XFikVML3KczSvMQFBLkdz3doJvVmur5 1

replace 9yCf2JpFA4kUiPeJEr27A1KnLVg786v2NeYDzN8HYyntRRPysRA23vwaKg3uSNV9XFikVML3KczSvMQFBLkdz3doJvVmur5 with the wallet that you just created.

getting started with the wallet-rpc

run this in one terminal to start the wallet with daemon:


then in another terminal do:


now you have a wallet to play with. Next time you run


instead of create wallet


  • sometimes it is best to read the wallet-rpc source file directly, because the docs are not updated sometimes. Context
  • start the wallet rpc like seen in start_wallet_rpc without setting a daemon, so it will respond instantly to requests. afterwards you can set the daemon connection with set_daemon
  • the wallet-rpc is a delicate lady that needs to be handled with care. Sometimes she is a bit unresponsive and stubborn, especially if the daemon does not respond. If nothing else helps I can recommend:
kill -9 `pgrep monero`

music tip

important to understand

if you go in with the assumption that this is an asynchronous program, you are mistaken. The wallet-rpc will be unresponsive sometimes. Many of the errors will not be sent back to the consumer of the rpc api and will be instead logged into the log file.


prs welcome for more scripts like this. Also open issues for quirks and small work arounds you found.

update to the latest version of monero

(this is just a note to myself to update this repo. You can ignore this.)

run these commands to download the latest version of monero and copy the monero-wallet-rpc, monerod (daemon) and monero-wallet-cli

cd monero-binaries