
Print the Moore Curve to the console!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Print the Moore Curve to the console!

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

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Why the console? Because it's the cool way.

See All Fractals in the fractals-cli project.


Via npx:

$ npx moore-curve-cli <n>
$ npx moore-curve-cli <n> [options]

where n >= 1.

Via Global Install

$ npm install --global moore-curve-cli
$ moore-curve-cli <n>
$ moore-curve-cli <n> [options]

where n >= 1.

Via Import

$ npm install moore-curve-cli


const moore_curve = require('moore-curve-cli');
console.log(moore_curve.create(<n>, { 
    closed: <boolean>,
    rotation: <left|right|flip|standard>,
    line: <bold|double|standard> 

The config params are optional.


Recursive Step

$ moore-curve-cli <n>

The first param <n> is the recursive step. <n> should be an integer greater than or equal to 1.


$ moore-curve-cli 3

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

$ moore-curve-cli 4

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

Closed Curve

$ moore-curve-cli <n> --closed

The optional --closed param (or shorthand -c) will draw a closed Moore Curve.


$ moore-curve-cli 4 --closed

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console


$ moore-curve-cli <n> --rotate=<left|right|flip|standard>

The optional --rotate param rotates the Moore Curve. Supported values:

  • left: Rotate left 90 degrees
  • right: Rotate right 90 degrees
  • flip: Rotate 180 degrees
  • standard: No rotation (default)


$ moore-curve-cli 4 --rotate=right

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

$ moore-curve-cli 4 --rotate=flip

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

$ moore-curve-cli 4 --rotate=left

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

Line Type

$ moore-curve-cli <n> --line=<bold|double|standard>

The optional --line param draws the Moore Curve using different line types. Supported values:

  • bold: Draw using bold lines
  • double: Draw using double lines
  • standard: Draw using standard lines (default)


$ moore-curve-cli 4 --line=bold

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console

$ moore-curve-cli 4 --line=double

What moore-curve-cli prints to the console


Main Project

Fractal Shapes

Fractal Patterns

Space Filling Curves
