XAI DeepFake detection


conda env create --file env.yml 
conda activate dfxai


Place in checkpoints/ directory.

About the models

Model ff_attribution swinv2_faceswap
Task multiclass binary
Arch. efficientnetv2_b0 swinv2_tiny_window8_256
Type CNN Vision Transformer
No. Params 7.1M 87.9M
No. Datasets 1 5
Input (B, 3, 224, 224) (B, 3, 256, 256)
Output (B, 5) (B, 1)


Trained for multiclass classification on the FaceForensics++. Outputs a probability for each of the 5 classes, (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) corresponding to (real, neural textures, face2face, deepfakes, faceswap). The dataset includes both faceswap (deepfakes, faceswap) and face reenactment (neural textures, face2face) data.

Performance (FF++ test set)

Metric Value
MulticlassAccuracy 0.9626
MulticlassAUROC 0.9970
MulticlassF1Score 0.9627
MulticlassAveragePrecision 0.9881


Trained for binary classification (0 = real, 1 = fake) on faceswap data from DFDC, FF, FakeAV, ForgeryNet, and CelebDF. Outputs a single probability for the input being a deepfake. Probability

Performance on faceswap data

Metric \ Dataset FF++ FakeAVCeleb CelebDF ForgeryNet DFDC WildDeepFake Avg.
AUC 0.9986 0.9995 0.9809 0.8627 0.8860 0.8556 0.9305
F1 Score 0.9917 0.9972 0.9586 0.6218 0.8860 0.8205 0.8793
Balanced Accuracy 0.9890 0.9921 0.8872 0.7538 0.7751 0.7355 0.8554
FalsePositiveRate 0.0121 0.0128 0.2083 0.0710 0.3065 0.3697 0.1634
FalseNegativeRate 0.0099 0.0030 0.0173 0.4214 0.1432 0.1593 0.1257

Data Preprocessing


  1. Download dataset from FaceForensics++
  2. Run the following script to preprocess the data:
conda activate dfxai
python3 src/data/preprocess_ff.py prepro -r RAW_DATA_PATH -tr PREPROCESSED_DATA_PATH -d cuda:0 -mdcsv RAW_DATA_PATH/dataset_info.csv

Where RAW_DATA_PATH is the path to the downloaded FF++ dataset and PREPROCESSED_DATA_PATH is the path to save the preprocessed data. The script will create a new file faceforensics_frames.csv containing the paths to the preprocessed frames.

Creating Database

  1. Create a new LMDB database by running the following script:
conda activate dfxai
python3 src/data/lmdb_storage.py add-csv -csv ./faceforensics_frames.csv -h -pc relative_path -d ./ff.lmdb -ms 21474836480 -v -b PREPROCESSED_DATA_PATH

Where faceforensics_frames.csv is the file created in the previous step and PREPROCESSED_DATA_PATH is the path to the preprocessed data. The script will create a new LMDB database ff.lmdb containing the preprocessed frames. The -ms flag specifies the maximum size of the database in bytes, default is 20GB.