
Grading assigner for Udacity with push notifications support (Push bullet)

Primary LanguagePython


  • pyPushBullet
  • pip install pydub (If you want your computer to play a sound with a newly assigned project
  • Add your devices to Pushbullet and get an API key
  • Install ffmpeg (Mac: brew install ffmpeg)


Requires the requests module, which you can either install globally or in a virtualenv.

usage: grading-assigner.py [-h] [--auth-token TOKEN]

Poll the Udacity reviews API to claim projects to review.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --auth-token TOKEN, -T TOKEN
                        Your Udacity auth token. To obtain, login to
                        review.udacity.com, open the Javascript console, and
                        copy the output of
                        `JSON.parse(localStorage.currentUser).token`. This can
                        also be stored in the environment variable
  --debug, -d           Turn on debug statements.


$ ./grading-assigner.py
|2016-01-11 12:51:17,885| Requesting certifications...
|2016-01-11 12:51:17,972| Found certifications for project IDs: [2, 1]
|2016-01-11 12:51:17,972| Polling for new submissions...
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285|
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285| =================================================
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285| You have been assigned to grade a new submission!
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285| View it here: http://review.udacity.com/#!/submissions/13
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285| =================================================
|2016-01-11 12:51:57,285| Continuing to poll...
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471|
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471| =================================================
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471| You have been assigned to grade a new submission!
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471| View it here: http://review.udacity.com/#!/submissions/14
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471| =================================================
|2016-01-11 12:52:02,471| Continuing to poll...

Press ctrl-c to quit.

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