FrameBuffer Object inspector for three.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FrameBuffer Object inspector for three.js

####Check out a demo here: Goth GPU Physics Demo


SnapshotPosition buffer SnapshotMotion blur buffer
SnapshotShadow map buffer SnapshotPosition buffer

How to use

  • Include THREE.FBOHelper.js. There's an ES6 build and an ES5 build transpiled with babel-cli in /build.
  • Create a helper linked to a WebGLRenderer
var helper = new FBOHelper( renderer );

or use npm to install the package:

npm i three.fbo-helper

and include it in your code (remember to include three.js too)

var THREE = require( 'three' );
var FBOHelper = require( 'three.fbo-helper' );
  • Call .setSize to adjust to the renderer size (don't forget to do onResize!)
helper.setSize( width, height );
  • Attach WebGLRenderTargets at discretion
helper.attach( fieldFBO, 'Distance Field' );
helper.attach( particleFBO, 'Particles' );

attach() admits a third parameters, formatter, a function that will receive an object with the values of the current point x, y, u, v, r, g, b, and a. You can return a custom string in case you want to show a different caption in the label. Otherwise, it will show all the values. Example:

helper.attach( buffer, 'Particles', function( d ) {
  return `Position: (${d.x}, ${d.y}, ${d.z}) | Life: ${d.a}`;
} );
  • Update with your animation loop
  • If for any reason you resize the FBO, call:
helper.refreshFBO( fbo );
  • Call .detach to remove any fbo previously attached
helper.deatch( fbo );

Once the helper is working, you can select FBOs to inspect, and drag the viewer around and use the scroll/mousewheel to zoom in and out.


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2016 Jaume Sanchez Elias, http://www.clicktorelease.com