
One or more issues with SSAO

mflux opened this issue · 4 comments

In the examples/ssao.html it's missing a script tag:

<script src="../js/OrbitControls.js"></script>

Also missing:
GET http://localhost:7000/Wagner.experimental.js 404 (File not found)

The output is also unexpected:

Yes, that pass (actually passes, since there are several versions) is broken ATM. I have to fix it and push it. Shortly, hopefully!


For anyone following along though, I've modified the THREE.js SSAO shader to work with WAGNER, for the time being:

 * @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
 * Screen-space ambient occlusion shader
 * - ported from
 *   SSAO GLSL shader v1.2
 *   assembled by Martins Upitis (martinsh) (http://devlog-martinsh.blogspot.com)
 *   original technique is made by ArKano22 (http://www.gamedev.net/topic/550699-ssao-no-halo-artifacts/)
 * - modifications
 * - modified to use RGBA packed depth texture (use clear color 1,1,1,1 for depth pass)
 * - refactoring and optimizations

THREE.SSAOShader = {

  uniforms: {

    "tInput":     { type: "t", value: null },
    "tDepth":       { type: "t", value: null },
    "resolution":         { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2( 512, 512 ) },
    "cameraNear":   { type: "f", value: 1 },
    "cameraFar":    { type: "f", value: 100 },
    "onlyAO":       { type: "i", value: 0 },
    "aoClamp":      { type: "f", value: 0.5 },
    "lumInfluence": { type: "f", value: 0.5 },
    "time":         { type: "f", value: 0.0 }


  vertexShader: [

    "varying vec2 vUv;",

    "void main() {",

      "vUv = uv;",

      "gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );",



  fragmentShader: [

    "uniform float cameraNear;",
    "uniform float cameraFar;",

    "uniform bool onlyAO;",      // use only ambient occlusion pass?

    "uniform vec2 resolution;",        // texture width, height
    "uniform float aoClamp;",    // depth clamp - reduces haloing at screen edges

    "uniform float lumInfluence;",  // how much luminance affects occlusion

    "uniform sampler2D tInput;",
    "uniform sampler2D tDepth;",

    "varying vec2 vUv;",

    // "#define PI 3.14159265",
    "#define DL 2.399963229728653",  // PI * ( 3.0 - sqrt( 5.0 ) )
    "#define EULER 2.718281828459045",

    // helpers

    "float width = resolution.x;",   // texture width
    "float height = resolution.y;",  // texture height

    "float cameraFarPlusNear = cameraFar + cameraNear;",
    "float cameraFarMinusNear = cameraFar - cameraNear;",
    "float cameraCoef = 2.0 * cameraNear;",

    // user variables

    "const int samples = 8;",     // ao sample count
    "const float radius = 5.0;",  // ao radius

    "const bool useNoise = false;",      // use noise instead of pattern for sample dithering
    "const float noiseAmount = 0.0003;", // dithering amount

    "const float diffArea = 0.4;",   // self-shadowing reduction
    "const float gDisplace = 0.4;",  // gauss bell center

    // RGBA depth

    "float unpackDepth( const in vec4 rgba_depth ) {",

      "const vec4 bit_shift = vec4( 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / ( 256.0 * 256.0 ), 1.0 / 256.0, 1.0 );",
      "float depth = dot( rgba_depth, bit_shift );",
      "return depth;",


    // generating noise / pattern texture for dithering

    "vec2 rand( const vec2 coord ) {",

      "vec2 noise;",

      "if ( useNoise ) {",

        "float nx = dot ( coord, vec2( 12.9898, 78.233 ) );",
        "float ny = dot ( coord, vec2( 12.9898, 78.233 ) * 2.0 );",

        "noise = clamp( fract ( 43758.5453 * sin( vec2( nx, ny ) ) ), 0.0, 1.0 );",

      "} else {",

        "float ff = fract( 1.0 - coord.s * ( width / 2.0 ) );",
        "float gg = fract( coord.t * ( height / 2.0 ) );",

        "noise = vec2( 0.25, 0.75 ) * vec2( ff ) + vec2( 0.75, 0.25 ) * gg;",


      "return ( noise * 2.0  - 1.0 ) * noiseAmount;",


    "float readDepth( const in vec2 coord ) {",

      // "return ( 2.0 * cameraNear ) / ( cameraFar + cameraNear - unpackDepth( texture2D( tDepth, coord ) ) * ( cameraFar - cameraNear ) );",
      "return cameraCoef / ( cameraFarPlusNear - unpackDepth( texture2D( tDepth, coord ) ) * cameraFarMinusNear );",


    "float compareDepths( const in float depth1, const in float depth2, inout int far ) {",

      "float garea = 2.0;",                         // gauss bell width
      "float diff = ( depth1 - depth2 ) * 100.0;",  // depth difference (0-100)

      // reduce left bell width to avoid self-shadowing

      "if ( diff < gDisplace ) {",

        "garea = diffArea;",

      "} else {",

        "far = 1;",


      "float dd = diff - gDisplace;",
      "float gauss = pow( EULER, -2.0 * dd * dd / ( garea * garea ) );",
      "return gauss;",


    "float calcAO( float depth, float dw, float dh ) {",

      "float dd = radius - depth * radius;",
      "vec2 vv = vec2( dw, dh );",

      "vec2 coord1 = vUv + dd * vv;",
      "vec2 coord2 = vUv - dd * vv;",

      "float temp1 = 0.0;",
      "float temp2 = 0.0;",

      "int far = 0;",
      "temp1 = compareDepths( depth, readDepth( coord1 ), far );",


      "if ( far > 0 ) {",

        "temp2 = compareDepths( readDepth( coord2 ), depth, far );",
        "temp1 += ( 1.0 - temp1 ) * temp2;",


      "return temp1;",


    "void main() {",

      "vec2 noise = rand( vUv );",
      "float depth = readDepth( vUv );",

      "float tt = clamp( depth, aoClamp, 1.0 );",

      "float w = ( 1.0 / width )  / tt + ( noise.x * ( 1.0 - noise.x ) );",
      "float h = ( 1.0 / height ) / tt + ( noise.y * ( 1.0 - noise.y ) );",

      "float ao = 0.0;",

      "float dz = 1.0 / float( samples );",
      "float z = 1.0 - dz / 2.0;",
      "float l = 0.0;",

      "for ( int i = 0; i <= samples; i ++ ) {",

        "float r = sqrt( 1.0 - z );",

        "float pw = cos( l ) * r;",
        "float ph = sin( l ) * r;",
        "ao += calcAO( depth, pw * w, ph * h );",
        "z = z - dz;",
        "l = l + DL;",


      "ao /= float( samples );",
      "ao = 1.0 - ao;",

      "vec3 color = texture2D( tInput, vUv ).rgb;",

      "vec3 lumcoeff = vec3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 );",
      "float lum = dot( color.rgb, lumcoeff );",
      "vec3 luminance = vec3( lum );",

      "vec3 final = vec3( color * mix( vec3( ao ), vec3( 1.0 ), luminance * lumInfluence ) );",  // mix( color * ao, white, luminance )

      "if ( onlyAO ) {",

        "final = vec3( mix( vec3( ao ), vec3( 1.0 ), luminance * lumInfluence ) );",  // ambient occlusion only


      "gl_FragColor = vec4( final, 1.0 );",




and then

var ssaoPass = new THREE.SSAOPass( THREE.SSAOShader );
ssaoPass.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = depthTarget;


composer.pass( ssaoPass.material );

Is there a working example of this? You mention you got it working with Wagner, however there is no reference to WAGNER in your code?

@mflux where did you end up generating your depthTarget? Having trouble getting this to apply any change in my project, although it runs fine. Seems like the tDepth uniform isn't getting a proper depth texture, so I'm curious where you're getting it. Using WebGL2?