Getting started with 3D graphics in the browser with WebGL and three.js

Add 3D content to your web pages or create fully immersive experiences with ease. Learn how to set up a scene, generate or load models and render them interactively.

This is the code used for the talk for the March 2013 Barcelona.JS meet up.

What is all this code then?

Instead of slides, I created an interactive playground to show some of the features of three.js and the JavaScript code to use them.

The controls are: WASD to move the camera, left-button click and drag to look around, right click on an object to see the related information, on the pane to the right.


The code is terrible, terrible I tell you! Don't use it at all. Don't even look at it. It was done in a rush and it lacks proper structure and basic reuse patterns. Just.. don't.


MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2013 Jaume Sanchez Elias,