
MATLAB implementation of Watson & Yellott's (2012) unified formula for light-adapted pupil size (https://doi.org/10.1167/12.10.12)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Watson & Yellott's (2012) unified formula for light-adapted pupil size

1. Description

This MATLAB code implements Watson & Yellott's unified formula for the light adapted pupil size as well as the other pupil size models reviewed in the paper.

2. Contents

  • wy_getPupilSize.m -- low-level function returning pupil size for different models
  • wy_demo.m -- demo code reproducing Fig. 16 from Watson & Yellot (2012)
  • wy_allModels.png -- output figure from this code, reproducing Fig. 16 from Watson & Yellot (2012) [PNG]
  • wy_allModels.pdf -- output figure from this code, reproducing Fig. 16 from Watson & Yellot (2012) [PDF]

3. Developers

Written by William Wheatley & Manuel Spitschan, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford

4. Output

Reproduced Fig. 16: Reproduced Fig. 16

Original Fig. 16: Original Fig. 16

5. Feedback

Any questions or comments? Please email manuel.spitschan@psy.ox.ac.uk.

6. References

Watson AB & Yellott JI (2012) A unified formula for light-adapted pupil size. J Vis 12(10):12. doi: 10.1167/12.10.12

7. License

This software is licensed under the MIT License. The code may be used freely.