
A simple & intuitive Minecraft Server wrapper. Supports IRC, backups, a plugin system, and more.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Wrapper.py is an easy to use Minecraft server wrapper for adding extra functionality into the server without modifying the server jar file.

It also comes with a relatively simple and straight-forward - yet powerful - plugin API that can be used to create Bukkit-like plugins with no server modding. The API works best when operated in proxy mode.

We also have a gitter channel: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/benbaptist/minecraft-wrapper

NOTICE: Wrapper will Accept the minecraft server EULA on your behalf. Using wrapper means you also accept the EULA, which will be set to true in the eula.txt file in your server folder. Mojang EULA



Wrapper.py usually doesn't require any special modules for most of the basic features to work. However:

  • Some systems may also need readline (which is usually standard).

  • Web mode and proxy mode require requests, pycrypto, and pkg_resources.

  • bcrypt and cryptography are required if you want to securely encrypt passwords used in Wrapper. If you don't satisfy these imports, all passwords will be stored in plain text in the wrapper.properties.json.

  • Make sure your pip version is up-to-date when installing bcrypt in particular:
    [sudo -H] pip install --upgrade pip

You will also need "tar" installed if you need backups. Most Linux distros have this pre-installed, but you may need to install it manually on Windows: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gtar.htm

Please do not submit issues regarding installing dependencies. These are beyond the scope of this document or the author's expertise (in general); please research the solution applicable to your platform.

Wrapper.py Versions

You only need to download Wrapper.py. The 'wrapper' folder is the source code and is just the extracted version of Wrapper.py. Wrapper.py is a Python-executable archive folder containing the sourcecode.

The old stable branch "master", version 0.7.6, build 83 has now been archived in the "Original" branch. The original version only supports minecraft versions prior to 1.9.

  • If you are running proxymode with a Minecraft version 1.9 or newer server, you must use the modern versions.
  • The old version 0.7.6 may be a better choice if you require web mode (which is currently broken at this point).

Python Versions

*Wrapper is only designed to be compatible with Python 2.7+ and python 3.4+ versions

It may run under 2.6, but this may cause problems with some dependencies. Certain Linux distros with Python 2.7 also have known issues with the requests module. Whether that affects wrapper or not is uncertain

LINUX download and setup

if you have wget installed, You can run the following command to download the stable Wrapper.py:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benbaptist/minecraft-wrapper/master/Wrapper.py

or the following to download the development version of Wrapper.py:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benbaptist/minecraft-wrapper/development/Wrapper.py

To install dependencies, use pip. Many modern distros will actually have most of wrapper's dependencies installed by default. These are commonly missing from older distros:

pip install requests
pip install pycrypto
pip install pkg_resources

bcrypt and cryptography are newer additions to Wrapper that are also not in the standard library at this time.

pip install bcrypt
pip install cryptography

Please go to the bcrypt website on pypi for installation of bcrypt (depending on your system, additional dependencies may be required): pypi.python.org

Windows Download and setup

You may need to get python as it does not normally come with Windows. For best results, make sure the location of the python.exe file is in your system 'path' variable.

Windows installations of Python are mostly beyond the scope of this document. If you get errors; investigate, Google it, Stack Overflow it, and read any error messages carefully to find out what additional pieces of Windows-ware you will need to get it working. For convenience, these Python 2.7 instructions were made when I first started using wrapper with Windows (2014). They are not completely accurate or up to date any more:

Python 2.7 should already have pip and setuptools installed, however they will be old versions. You should manually remove them and install the updated versions from the command prompt (need to be administrator to do this):

pip uninstall setuptools
pip install pip
pip install setuptools

Before installing requests and pycrypto, you will need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7.

Then from the command prompt:

pip install requests
pip install pycrypto
pip install bcrypt
pip install cryptography

Download the Wrapper.py file and place it in the desired folder.

Start Up

  • Run python Wrapper.py [--passphrase 'passphrase'] to start (passphrase must be 8 or more characters in length).

    An alternative method of running wrapper is to run the source package directly. To do this, clone the repo, copy the folder 'wrapper' to the desired location and run it thusly:
    python /path/to/wrapperfolder/wrapper

    Wrapper also takes the following optional arguments:

      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      --encoding, -e       Specify an encoding (other than utf-8)
      --betterconsole, -b  Use "better console" feature to anchor your imput at
                           the bottom of the console (anti- scroll-away feature)
      --passphrase, -p     Passphrase used to encrypt all passwords in Wrapper.
                           Please use as fairly long phrase (minimum is 8
                           characters). If not specified, or incorrectly supplied,
                           Wrapper will prompt for a new passphrase before
                           starting! Use "--passphrase none" to start wrapper with
                           passwords disabled.

    To start wrapper using your passphrase:
    python Wrapper.py --passphrase "my special passphrase - keep this a secret!"

    To disable password encryption with bcrypt, use "none" for the passphrase:
    python Wrapper.py --passphrase none

    If bcrypt and cryptography are not installed or the start up passphrase is disabled by specifying "none", Wrapper.py will handle all passwords in plain text and will not prompt the user for a password. Otherwise, if a passphrase is not supplied, Wrapper will prompt for one:

    please input a master passphrase for Wrapper.  This passphrase will be used to encrypt
     all passwords in Wrapper.
  • When you first run Wrapper, you will see the following output as it creates the logging file, a wrapper.properties.json file, and then exits.:

    [15:19:18] [root/WARNING]: Unable to locate logging.json -- Creating default logging configuration
    please input a master passphrase for Wrapper.  This passphrase will be used to encrypt all passwords in Wrapper.  Please use a fairly long phrase (minimum is 8 characters).  You can change the pass-phrase later with /passphrase <new phrase>
    [15:19:30] [Config/WARNING]: Updated wrapper.properties.json file - check and edit configuration if needed and start again.
  • Open the wrapper properties file, set the ["General"]["command"] item to boot the jar file and java start options of your choice.

  • Wrapper supports having a separate server and wrapper folder. This is also recommended, although you can simply put Wrapper in the same directory with your server. Examples (item ["General"]["server-directory"] in the config file):

    • setting ../server - will set the server folder to a sister directory.
    • or you can use an absolute path: /home/user/minecraft/server.
    • use the default '.' to run wrapper inside your server folder.
  • Tune the file to your remaining preferences, and then run wrapper again.

  • If the server is new (only a server.jar file in the server directory) You will see output similar to this:

    [15:24:10] [root/INFO]: Logging configuration file (logging.json) located and loaded, logging configuration set!
    please input a master passphrase for Wrapper.  This passphrase will be used to encrypt all passwords in Wrapper.  Please use a fairly long phrase (minimum is 8 characters).  You can change the pass-phrase later with /passphrase <new phrase>
    [15:24:16] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Wrapper.py started - Version [0, 14, 1] (development build #245)
    [15:24:16] [Wrapper.py/WARNING]: NOTE: Server was in 'STOP' state last time  Wrapper.py was running. To start the server, run /start.
    [15:24:16] [Wrapper.py/WARNING]: File 'server.properties' not found.
    [15:24:16] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Loading plugins...

    To continue, you will need to enter /start to continue running (if you are using proxy mode, be aware that this must be done within 2 minutes or proxy mode will be disabled).

    The server will start and accept the Eula for you:

    [15:28:02] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Starting server...
    [15:28:02] [Wrapper.py/WARNING]: File 'server.properties' not found.
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.12.2
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/WARN]: server.properties does not exist
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating new properties file
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/WARN]: Failed to load eula.txt
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula.txt for more info.
    [15:28:05] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
    [15:28:05] [Server Shutdown Thread/INFO]: Stopping server
    [15:28:06] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Starting server...
    [15:28:06] [Wrapper.py/WARNING]: File 'server.properties' not found.
    [15:28:06] [Wrapper.py/WARNING]: EULA agreement was not accepted, accepting on your behalf...
    [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.12.2
    [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
    [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
    [15:28:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
    [15:28:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    [15:28:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 94%
    [15:28:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (7.956s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    [15:28:17] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Server started
    [15:28:17] [Wrapper.py/INFO]: Proxy listening on *:25566
operating wrapper
  • Any console command beginning with a slash (/) will be interpreted as a Wrapper.py command.

  • Type /help to see a list of Wrapper.py commands.

  • To completely shutdown the wrapper, type /halt.

  • To enter passwords into the wrapper.properties.config file, use the /password console command to enter the applicable password: /password Web web-password <new password>

Please read our wiki for additional information and review the issues page before submitting bug reports.
If you run into any bugs, please do report them!


Wrapper.py supports the following features:

  • Plugin system for adding Bukkit-like features to a vanilla server
  • Proxy mode allows you to add extra functionality to plugins, such as real /commands
  • Permissions system with group support
  • Jump to different servers without reconnecting (extremely experimental, can be used by calling api.minecraft.connect(ip, port) )
  • Automatic Backups
    • Automatically delete the oldest backups once you reach amount of backups
    • Specify which folders and files get backed up
  • IRC bridge
    • Controlling server from IRC
    • Achievements, deaths, and whatnot appear on IRC
    • Chat between Minecraft server and IRC channels
  • Scheduled reboots
  • (NOT WORKING) Web remote for controlling the server and the wrapper through your web browser
  • Shell scripts that are called upon certain events (similar to plugin events, but quicker and easier)
  • Minecraft 1.7 and later support
  • Colorized console output.


The documentation for Wrapper.py is not complete, but you can find a reference on the wrapper plugin API here: Wrapper.py Plugin API

New Permissions System

A file in the wrapper root directory "superOPs.txt" now augments the "Ops.json" file. Operators in the ops.json file can be assigned a higher (wrapper) OP level. The contents of the file are laid out just like server.properties (lines of <something>=<value>).

Sample superops.txt:


Higher op levels are required to run sensitive wrapper commands like /perms.


Wrapper continues to be a work in progress and changes often happen faster than they get documented, but this should help give you an idea of the methods that can be used. below is a list of plugin events that can be registered in your plugins:

Check the 'example-plugins' and 'stable-plugins' folders to see some example plugins. These are very useful for seeing how the API functions.

  • template.py does nothing - it is just the shell of a plugin to work off of.
  • example.py contains some more example functions.
  • zombie.py is a fun test plugin that leaves behind undead versions of people when killed by undead mobs.
  • speedboost.py gives everyone a speedboost when someone dies - similar to survival games.
  • poll.py allows players to vote for certain things on the server. It isn't very up-to-date at the moment, however.


If you want to see more error messages and other useful messages while developing plugins or debugging wrapper, look for the logging.json file and make changes to the "console" section:

        "console": {
            "stream": "ext://sys.stdout",
            "formatter": "standard",
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
            "filters": [
            "level": "INFO" <-- Set to DEBUG for more detailed output