
micropython ESP32 programmer/flasher for ECP5 JTAG

Primary LanguagePython

ESP32 JTAG tap walker for ECP5

This is micropython running on ESP32 to allow JTAG programming and flashing of Lattice ECP5 FPGA JTAG. A simple way in about 700 lines of code.

Install ESP32 micropython

Skip this step if you have ESP32 on some development board with USB-serial module. If you have ESP32 on ULX3S board, you need to download passthru bitstream for ULX3S, Choose appropriate for your board and ECP5 chip and upload passthru bitstream to flash

ujprog -j flash passthru.bit

Download micropython for ESP32 "Stable" version esp32-idf3-20191220-v1.12.bin is known to work well. If in version v1.13 appears a bug with uftpd file listing, as last line is listed wrong, as the name of current directory, then a possible fix can be to backup all SD files and directories, delete them from SD and restore from backup. idf3 leaves slighty more free RAM than idf4, and ESP32-WROOM modules always need more RAM.

wget https://micropython.org/resources/firmware/esp32-idf3-20200902-v1.13.bin

Upload micropython to ESP32

esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
esptool.py --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-idf3-20191103-v1.11-549-gf2ecfe8b8.bin

Power off and on ESP32

ESP32 micropython prompt

Connect over USB-serial

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Press few ENTERs, you should see prompt


Try some simple commands

>>> 1+2
>>> print("hey")

Connect ESP32 to WiFi

To automate further use, it is good to setup ESP32 to automatically bring up networking and services after power up. This is done using auto-executable file named "main.py" which will connect to one Access Point with one password. Later will be explained how to setup simple roaming profile with multiple APs and passwords.

Choose either: (copy-paste to usb-serial python prompt ">>>")

setup as client that logs on to a WiFi access point (home internet router), replace "accesspoint" and "password" with proper logins for your WiFi router:

f.write("import network\n")
f.write("sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)\n")
f.write('sta_if.connect("accesspoint", "password")\n')
f.write("import uftpd\n")
import webrepl_setup

if client can't connect it will continuoulsy retry, printing failure messages. Then it will be difficult to type at usb-serial prompt. To stop it, type blindly or copy-paste:


or setup as access point but some WiFi clients may have problem connecting to ESP32:

f.write("import network\n")
f.write("ap_if = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)\n")
f.write('ap_if.config(essid="accesspoint", password="password")\n')
f.write("import uftpd\n")
import webrepl_setup

It will prompt to ask few questions: Enable "webrepl" by choosing "E". Type and repeat any password you like, "webrepl" client will later ask for this password. Finally agree to reboot ESP32. After reboot and successful WiFi connection, it will print its IP address (

I (1554) network: CONNECTED
I (2824) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw:

You can always soft-reboot again to see IP address if you press Ctrl-D on empty python prompt:

>>> Ctrl-D

with web browser open webrepl for web browser, enter IP address of ESP32, enter password. Python prompt ">>>" should appear.

Upload files from web browser

From webrepl GUI upload "ecp5.py", (optionally also "uftpd.py", "sdraw.py", "wifiman.py" and edited "wifiman.conf" if you want FTP server and roaming profiles read below) and some bitstream file like "blink.bit" or "blink.bit.gz" (compressed with gzip -9) to the root of ESP32 python FLASH filesystem.

Upload files from linux command line

Get webrepl for commandline, and KOST's webrepl shell automation install some python dependencies:

apt-get install python-websocket

To install commandline REPL, just copy 5 files giving them typeable names and make them executable:

cp websocket_helper.py /usr/local/bin/websocket_helper.py
cp webrepl_client.py /usr/local/bin/replsh
cp webrepl_cli.py /usr/local/bin/replcp
cp webrepl.py /usr/local/bin/webrepl.py
cp scripts/webreplcmd /usr/local/bin/replcmd
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/replsh /usr/local/bin/replcp /usr/local/bin/replcmd

Upload local files to remote ESP32 like this:

replcp -p password ecp5.py

or like this:

replcmd --host= --password=1234 put ecp5.py ecp5.py

For prompt without being asked password:

replsh -p password -r

For prompt with password asked:


Soft-reboot ESP32 by entering uppercase "D" to empty prompt and press "ENTER" (instead of Ctrl-D from web GUI)

>>> D

List directory to see if the files are uploaded:

import os
['boot.py', 'ecp5.py', 'main.py', 'blink.bit']

WiFi manager for roaming

"wifiman.py" is a simple WiFi roaming manager which scans WiFi access points at power-on and uses password from file "wifiman.conf":


Then "main.py" should be only this

import wifiman
import uftpd
from ntptime import settime
  print("NTP not available")

If webrepl GUI disconnects immediatly, without asking the password, try to delete web browser's history, cookies, passwords and similar data, close web browser and try again.

ECP5 programming from python command line

import ecp5
99262 bytes uploaded in 142 ms (675 kB/s)

ecp5.prog("filepath_or_url") uploads to FPGA SRAM.
ecp5.flash("filepath_or_url", addr=0x000000) uploads to SPI CONFIG FLASH

upload to FLASH will start at byte address specified by "addr". which should be 4K even - lower 12 bits must be 0x000

If file ends with "*.gz", it will be decompressed on-the-fly.

linux$ gzip -9 blink.bit
>>> ecp5.prog("")
>>> ecp5.flash("blink.bit.gz")

For bitstreams stored on the web server or SD card, ".bit" files are recommended, with bitstream compression enabled using --compress option from trellis tools. For bitstreams stored on ESP32 internal FLASH, both --compress and gzipped files ".bit.gz" are recommended for FLASH space saving.

SD card usage (SPI at gpio 12-15):

import os,machine

"slot=3" must be specified to prevent using SD card MMC mode. MMC mode is about 2x faster but currently it doesn't work together with this ecp5.py programmer.

ECP5 programming from FTP

Here I have "uftpd.py" which came from original ESP32 FTP server with my small modifications to support "ecp5.py" programmer. Install FTP server by uploading "uftpd.py" file to the root of ESP32 filesystem: and start it with:

import uftpd
FTP server started on

Get ftp client "ftp" or "lftp". I tried them both and they work, other clients I haven't tried...

apt-get install ftp lftp

Connect with ftp client to ESP32, type ENTER at (empty) password

Connected to
220 Hello, this is the ULX3S.
230 Logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

Try to list files, it should work like this:

ftp> ls
200 OK
150 Directory listing:
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group        137 Jan  1 00:03 boot.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group        128 Jan  1 00:05 main.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group         14 Jan  1 00:05 webrepl_cfg.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group      19482 Jan  1 00:09 uftpd.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group      22777 Jan  1 00:10 ecp5.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group       5505 Jan  1 00:13 passthru21111043.bit.gz
226 Done.

If you don't see listing similar to this, something is incompatible, try to toggle "passive" FTP mode. If FTP client is behind the firewall it may work with passive mode on, close/open connection or try another FTP client.

ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
ftp> close
ftp> open

Besides normal FTP commands like "ls", "cd", "mkdir", "rmdir", "put", "get", "del", it also accepts "site" command to read file from ESP32 local filesystem (FLASH or SD card) and program FPGA:

ftp> site
... will program remote file to FPGA using
... ecp5.prog("/http:/")
ftp> site filename.bit
... will program local file to FPGA using
... ecp5.prog("filename.bit")
ftp> site /sd/blink.bit
... If the path starts with "/sd/" then SD card will be unmounted
... before starting bitstream
ftp> site passthru
... will program file "passthru%08X.bit.gz" % idcode
... ecp5.passthru()

SD card with FAT filesystem can be mounted or unmounted to "/sd" directory:

ftp> site mount
ftp> ls sd
ftp> site umount
ftp> ls sd

exec() any micropython command. For this to work, ftp should be in root "/" directory because path is usually prepended to "site" argument. Quotes ("") may be required sometimes and actual syntax may vary between ftp clients.

ftp> cd /
ftp> site "import struct"
... will exec("import struct")
250 OK import struct
lftp> site import struct

It is possible to directly put a binary file (not gzipped) from "ftp>" prompt into FPGA, FLASH or SD card (as raw image) using special destination file name "fpga", "flash@" or "sd@".

ftp> put blink.bit fpga
ftp> put blink.bit flash@0
ftp> put blink.bit flash@0x200000
ftp> put freedos.img sd@0
ftp> put freedos.img sd@0x200000
ftp> put bios.img sd@-8192

NOTE: FLASH and SD card accept byte offset after "@" character. Offset must be rounded to 4096 bytes for FLASH and to 512 bytes for SD. Negative offset can be used for writing relative to the end of SD card. Special destination file names "fpga", "flash@", "sd@" are used for direct programming and they don't relate to actual files on ESP32 filesystem.

if using "lftp", syntax is different, use option "-o" and prepend "/" like this:

lftp> put blink.bit -o /fpga
lftp> put blink.bit -o /flash@0

To automate upload from linux shell, enable ftp auto-login in "~/.netrc":

cat ~/.netrc
default login anonymous password user@site

A simple shell command can upload bitstream with FTP and program ECP5:

cat /usr/local/bin/ftpecp5prog 
ftp ${1} <<EOF
put ${2} fpga

use it as:

ftpecp5prog blink.bit

If FTP server is running and you try to program from "webrepl" and it fails with a memory allocation error:

MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 32768 bytes

Yes it happens to me all the time :). "esp32ecp5" constantly runs near out of memory. Either disable FTP server by removing "import uftpd.py" from "main.py" file and rebooting, or try workaround from ftp> commandline to issue any "site" command just to let FTP server import ecp5 and then memory situation will be better for ecp5.flash() from "webrepl"

... linux commandline
ftp> site blink.bit.gz
... webrepl
import ecp5


Instead of ESP32-WROOM, use ESP32-WROVER :)

ecp5, ftp, gzip decompression, buffers and other things in use allocate RAM. Sometimes there won't be enough free RAM for everything on ESP32-WROOM. Best is to obtain ESP32-WROVER which has 2MB additional PSRAM. ESP32-WROOM workaround is to avoid using gzip'd files or don't import uftpd.

JTAG info



[x] on-the-fly gzip decompression
[x] read flash content
[x] from read, decide if block has to be erased
[x] fix HTTP GET for binary file
[x] write disk image to SD card
[x] reuse currently separated code for file/web bit/bit.gz
[x] integrate with ftp server like https://github.com/robert-hh/FTP-Server-for-ESP8266-ESP32-and-PYBD
[ ] integrate with webrepl and file browser like https://github.com/hyperglitch/webrepl
[x] ecp5.prog() should return True if OK, False if FAIL
[x] optimize send_bit, n-1 bits in loop and last bit outside of loop
[x] while read flash until same content as file, with retry
[x] more progress for flashing
[x] ftp put fpga/flash reports Done/Fail
[x] mount/umount SD card from ftp prompt (just cd to /sd)?
[x] specify flash address ftp> put file.bit flash@0x200000
[ ] "site" command execute some python script
[ ] site mount, exit, site umount Fail