The splicectl
cli is used to manage features of a SpliceDB Cluster running on
Primarily there are settings that are stored inside a Hashicorp Vault running in the cluster which are not exposed outside of the cluster. This client utility allows us to manipulate these settings without having to do port-forwarding and other Kubernetes tricks to allow us to connect to the Vault service with the cli tools.
cd splicectl
go build
The splicectl binary will be in your splicectl directory.
brew install splicemachine/utility/splicectl
Add the splice AUR to your /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
Or you can download it from the repo directly and append it to your pacman.conf
curl >> /etc/pacman.conf
Then sync and install splicectl with pacman or your preferred aur wrapper
pacman -Sy splicectl
Add splice.repo to your /etc/yum.repos.d/
, make sure to create it if it does not exist yet.
Then update your repolist with yum update
. You should see splice as a now updated repo.
mkdir -p /etc/yum.repos.d/
curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/splice.repo
yum update
Then install it with
yum install splicectl
Copy the splice.list to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
and import the gpg key.
Then run apt-get update
You should see splice as a repo get updated.
mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/splice.list
curl | apt-key add -
apt-get update
Then install it with
apt-get install splicectl
TODO: Choose an installer/package manager TODO: Write the Windows installation script documentation
CLI Commands | Command Description |
auth | Perform authentication and retrive a token for interaction with the cluster |
list database | Retrieve a list of running Splice Machine databases on the cluster |
get default-cr | Retrieve the default CR that will be used when generating a new database |
get database-cr | Retrieve the CR for a currently running/paused database |
get system-settings | Retrieve the system settings that were used to install the K8s cluster |
get cm-settings | Retrieve the cloud manager settings that were used to install the K8s cluster |
get vault-key | Retrieve a specific Vault key from the cluster |
get image-tag | Retrieve a list of image tags for a running Splice Machine database |
get database-status | Retrieve the status of the Splice Machine Database |
apply default-cr | Apply changes to the default CR |
apply database-cr | Apply changes to a database CR, this should only be run on paused databases |
apply system-settings | Apply changes to the system-settings |
apply cm-settings | Apply changes to the cloud manager settings |
apply vault-key | Apply changes to a specific Vault key |
apply image-tag | Set the image tag for a running component of a Splice Machine database |
version | Show the version of the CLI and the REST server |
versions default-cr | Show the Vault versions of the default CR |
versions database-cr | Show the Vault versions for a database CR |
versions system-settings | Show the Vault versions for the system settings |
versions vault-key | Show the Vault versions for a specific Vault key |
restart | Restart the Splice Machine Database |
rollback default-cr | Rollback to a specific Vault version for the default CR. Creates a NEW version" |
rollback database-cr | Rollback to a specific Vault version for a database CR. Creates a NEW version" |
rollback system-settings | Rollback to a specific Vault version of the system-settings. Creates a NEW version" |
rollback vault-key | Rollback to a specific version of a Valut key. Creates a NEW version" |