
This project demonstrates how module federation works in Angular based environment and its one of the main source of truth with examples for internal Ariba SAP project, where we are going to use this unique way of connecting applications.

Steps to run this


Make sure you have yarn available on your system

install `yarn`

Quick start

The fastest way how to get started is to run this below command which will build and launches everything

yarn install && yarn start

Project Structure

Project is divided up into 2 parts:

  • mf-builder
    • This folder might change in the future and is used for the custom elements mainly now
  • packages
    • Contains Angular applications

There are two main entry points to the applications:

This is the packages/one-bx-shell-app app which showcase main host app aggregating all micro-frontend application served by different microservices (teams responsible to build 1BX App)

This entry point simulates CFLP App environment where we have a Shellbar on the host page and iFrame pointing to the https://localhost:4200

Each application contains webpack.extra.js that extends existing Angular's CLI builder with ability to plug-in custom Webpack plugin and in here we define specifics for the Module federated app using ModuleFederationPlugin plugin.

  • To learn more about ModuleFederationPlugin please see docs


Host application that uses @fundamenta-ngx/app-shell components & API in order to dynamically load these applications:


Remote app exposing PR List card shown on the main landing page.

  • Angular component uses @fundamenta-ngx/core components


Remote app exposing Your Favorite card shown on the main landing page + Item Detail Page. Here we also demonstrate how Routing works:

  • Using Routing tag (see ItemDetailPage)
  • Using loadChildren dynamic imports to have sub-routing (see ItemDetailsModule)


Remote App show Module Federation with nrwl NX structure /libs and apps/ .


Remote website used as an iFrame source for Quick Links landing page card.

Remember currently we can federate 3 different types of microfrontend remote application:

- Angular Components & Modules
- Web Components (Custom Elements)
- iFrame 


Remote angular app using NGRx State management directly on the exposed component and sharing its state with its child components


Remote App exposing Recomended Categories shown on the dashboard.