
A Perl script to run a DNS tunneling server

====== Installation ======

These scripts provide a way to setup a DNS Tunnel. They are based on Dan Kaminski's
OzymanDNS scripts.


===== DNS Side =====

Delegate a subdomain nameserver to the server that will run dnstunneld like this:

server.example.com.           IN      NS      ns.example.com.
ns.example.com.               IN      A

Note: You can not use a server that has already running a nameserver on the external
      interface, because we need to use port 53.

===== Server Side =====

  - put the dnstunneld* scripts to /opt/dnstunnel
  - edit the variables in /opt/dnstunnel/dnstunneld.wrapper
  - link /opt/dnstunnel/dnstunneld.init to /etc/init.d/dnstunneld
  - enable the init script in the apropriate runlevels
  - run /etc/init.d/dnstunneld start

===== Client Side =====

  - copy the dnstunnelc script somewhere in your PATH (eg. /usr/local/bin)
  - Setup an SSH tunnel using the script as Proxy:

   ssh -C -o ProxyCommand="dnstunnel sshdns.server.example.com" user@localhost