
Environment setup script for testing DokuWiki plugins on travis-ci

Primary LanguageShell

Travis CI testing for DokuWiki plugins

This repository contains a script that can be used in Travis CI or Gitlab-CI to setup the DokuWiki environment to test a single plugin.


Use it like this in .travis.yml:

language: php
  - "7.4"
  - "7.3"
  - "7.2"
  - "7.1"
  - "7.0"
  - "5.6"
  - DOKUWIKI=master
  - DOKUWIKI=stable
  - DOKUWIKI=old-stable
before_install: wget https://raw.github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-travis/master/travis.sh
install: sh travis.sh
script: cd _test && ./phpunit.phar --stderr --group plugin_something

As you can see, you can specify the PHP versions and DokuWiki releases your plugin should be tested against.

Plugins with dependencies

If your tests require additional plugins to be installed, provide a requirements.txt file in your plugin's root directory. It should contain arguments to the git clone command, eg. the source repository and the target directory. The latter needs to be a full path in the DokuWiki hierarchy.

Here's an example requirements.txt file:

# additional requirements for this plugin:
https://github.com/cosmocode/sqlite.git                         lib/plugins/sqlite
https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-translation.git   lib/plugins/translation

If your plugin needs any additional setup before testing you need to provide your own script to be run in the before_script step of .travis.yml. Refer to the travis docs on how to do that.

More info

More info on Unit Testing in DokuWiki is available at https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:unittesting