
scripts to power my nodemcu boards

Primary LanguageLua

NodeMCU Scripts

Scripts to power my NodeMCU boards

This is a simple framework to run on a NodeMCU controller.

It provides an easy way to:

  • Configure the WiFi.
  • Subscribe and publish MQTT messages, handling all the possible errors by reconnecting.

I will probably run multiple NodeMCUs in the future. To make it easier, they will all receive the same Lua files, but each one will run a specific app_*.lua

Which NodeMCU is responsible for what is configured in the nodenames table of config.lua, the node.chipid() is used to figure out where we run.

The config.lua also contains some basic setup for the WiFi and the MQTT broker.

Passwords have to be placed in an unversioned secrets.lua. See the secrets.lua.dist file for a template.

The wifi setup has a g.wifi.waitThen() method accepting a callback that will be run only after an IP address has been assigned. You will probably want to wait for that before starting the MQTT client.

See app_balcony.lua for an example application. It allows the control of a water pump via MQTT. However, the pump will not run when the water level is too low.