
Vagrant setup to spin up a Win11 instance

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Windows Vagrant Setup

This vagrant box spins up a Windows Enterprise Evaluation machine with Chrome, Firefox and Notepad++ preinstalled.

The Windows is debloated during the setup (removing all the bullshit Microsoft is preinstalling).

The keyboard is set to a German layout. Adjust scripts/keyboard.ps1 if you want something else.


To start the machine run

vagrant up

To stop the machine run

vagrant halt

When the license expires or you want to restart from scratch run

vagrant destroy

By default a Windows 11 machine is used. You can alternatively start a Windows 10 machine:

vagrant up win10


When using virtualbox as VM provider (I haven't tested anything else), the box will start in GUI mode.

Login with vagrant/vagrant

Access via RDP

Use the following to connect:

xfreerdp /u:vagrant /p:vagrant /v:localhost:53389 /size:1800x1000 +clipboard +home-drive