
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status


Classify fashion and clothing items.


Data Source:

IBM Developer - Data Asset Exchange

Curated free and open datasets under open data licenses for enterprise data science.

Link to download: https://developer.ibm.com/exchanges/data/all/fashion-mnist/


The model is developed using the Tensorflow framework.


Each training and test example is assigned to one of the following labels:

Label Description
0 T-shirt/top
1 Trouser
2 Pullover
3 Dress
4 Coat
5 Sandal
6 Shirt
7 Sneaker
8 Bag
9 Ankle boot


  1. Docker
  2. Python IDE or code editors
  3. Pre-trained model weights stored in a downloadable location
  4. List of required python packages
  5. Input pre-processing code
  6. Prediction/Inference code
  7. Output variables
  8. Output post-processing code


  1. Fork the Template and Clone the Repository
  2. Update Dockerfile
  3. Update Package Requirements
  4. Update API and Model Metadata
  5. Update Scripts
  6. Build the model Docker image
  7. Run the model server

Fork the Template and Clone the Repository

  1. Login to GitHub and go to MAX Skeleton

  2. Click on Use this template and provide a name for the repo.

  3. Clone the newly created repository using the below command:

$ git clone https://github.com/......

Update Dockerfile

Open the Dockerfile file and update the following:

  • ARG model_bucket= with the link to the model file public storage that can be downloaded

  • ARG model_file= with the model file name.

For testing purpose, update as below:

model_bucket = https://github.com/SSaishruthi/max_mnist/raw/master/samples

model_file = fashion_mnist.h5

Update Package Requirements

Add required python packages for running the model prediction to requirements.txt.

Following packages are required for this model:

  • numpy==1.14.1
  • Pillow==5.4.1
  • h5py==2.9.0
  • tensorflow==1.14

Update API and Model Metadata

  1. In config.py, update the API metadata.
  1. Set MODEL_NAME = 'fashion_mnist.h5'

    NOTE: Model files are always downloaded to assets folder inside docker.

  2. In code/model.py, fill in the MODEL_META_DATA

    • Model id
    • Model name
    • Description of the model
    • Model type based on what the model does (e.g. Digit recognition)
    • Source to the model belongs
    • Model license

Update Scripts

All you need to start wrapping your model is pre-processing, prediction and post-processing code.

  1. In code/model.py, load the model under __init__() method. Here, saved model .h5 can be loaded using the below command:
global sess
global graph
sess = tf.Session() 
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
self.model = tf.keras.models.load_model(path)
  1. In code/model.py, pre-processing functions required for the input should get into the _pre_process function. Here, the input image needs to be read and converted into an array of acceptable shape.
# Open the input image
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(inp))
print('reading image..', img.size)
# Convert the PIL image instance into numpy array and
# get in proper dimension.
image = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(img)
print('image array shape..', image.shape)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)
print('image array shape..', image.shape)

NOTE: Pre-processing is followed by prediction function which accepts only one input, so create a dictionary to hold the return results if needed. In this case, we only have one input so we are good to go.

  1. Predicted digit and its probability are the expected output. Add these two fields to label_prediction in api/predict.py
label_prediction = MAX_API.model('LabelPrediction', {
'prediction': fields.Integer(required=True),
'probability': fields.Float(required=True)

NOTE: These fields can vary depending on the model.

  1. Place the prediction code under _predict method in code/model.py. In the above step, we have defined two outputs. Now we need to extract these two results from the model.

    NOTE: Prediction is followed by post-processing function which accepts only one input, so create a dictionary to hold the results in case of multiple outputs returned from the function.

with graph.as_default():
     predict_result = self.model.predict(x)
     return predict_result
  1. Post-processing function will go under _post_process method in code/model.py. Result from the above step will be the input to this step.

    Here, result from the above step will contain prediction probability for all 10 classes (digit 0 to 9).

    Output response has two fields status and predictions as defined in the api/predict.py.

 predict_response = MAX_API.model('ModelPredictResponse', {
   'status': fields.String(required=True, description='Response status message'),
   'predictions': fields.List(fields.Nested(label_prediction), description='Predicted labels and probabilities')

Predictions is of type list and holds the model results. Create a dictionary inside a list with key names used in label_prediction (step 4) and update the model results accordingly.

# Extract prediction probability using `amax` and
# digit prediction using `argmax`
return [{'probability': np.amax(result),
         'prediction': np.argmax(result)}]
  1. Assign the result from post-processing to the appropriate response field in api/predict.py.
# Assign result
result['predictions'] = preds
  1. Add test images to samples/

Build the model Docker image

To build the docker image locally, run:

$ docker build -t max-mnist .

If you want to print debugging messages make sure to set DEBUG=True in config.py.

Run the model server

To run the docker image, which automatically starts the model serving API, run:

$ docker run -it -p 5000:5000 max-mnist

BONUS - Update Test Script

  1. Add a few integration tests using pytest in tests/test.py to check that your model works.


    • Update model endpoint and sample input file path.
   model_endpoint = 'http://localhost:5000/model/predict'
   file_path = 'samples/1.jpeg'
  • Check if the prediction is 0.
   assert response['predictions'][0]['prediction'] == 0
  1. To enable Travis CI testing uncomment the docker commands and pytest command in .travis.yml.