
Mantis Bug Tracker (MantisBT)

Primary LanguagePHP

ProjectPages MantisBT Plugin

app-type app-lang app-publisher authors


This is a fork of the v2.21.1 MantisBT project with my own flavor.


Change Files
Fix sidebar active page highlight core/layout_api.php
Add sidebar-scroll-native class to sidebar core/layout_api.php
Add customized by label core/layout_api.php
Increased mantis logo size to fill space core/layout_api.php
Increse default sidebar width css/ace-mantis.css, css/ace.css
Sidebar overflow-y changed to auto css/ace-mantis.css, css/ace.css
Dynamic width sidebar based on overflow js/common.js
Dynamic width sidebar based on manu min/max sidebar-toggle() js/common.js
Modified wiki link handling using IFramed plugin wiki.php
Add option to use project_name in set_project url set_project.php
Add buttons in changelog and roadmap pages for ganttchart changelog_page.php, roadmap_page.php
Use FontAwesome Pro icons css/ace.css, js/ace.js
Remove redundant text 'Manage' from all management tabs lang/strings_english.txt
Add jpgraph library (for GanttChart) library/jpgraph/*
Add #function_default_to_value to CUSTOM_FIELD_TYPE_STRING core/cfdefs/cfdef_standard.php
Add technician user type core/constant_inc.php, strings_english.txt
Add check for $g_relationships[$p_relationship_type]['#name'] core/relationship_api.php
Send status change email instead of assigned to ~ 821 core/bug_api.php
Add category to email subject ~ 1457 core/email_api.php
Update version cache on add,update,remove ~ 343 and 391 and 470 core/version_api.php
Updated login page js error,lines 65 - 92, placed if check for sidebardiv js/common.hs

DokuWiki Changed File List

  • /conf/acl.auth.php
  • /inc/auth/mantis.class.php
  • /lib/plugins/mantis/syntax.php
  • /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/style.ini
  • /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/basic.less
  • /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/images/page-background.svg
  • /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/main.php
  • /vendor/geshi/geshi/src/geshi.php

Supporing Font Awesome Pro

A standard license is of course needed, at a more than fair price (at times on sale as well).

Add to the mantisbt css directory:

  • css/font-awesome-pro-5.9.0.min.css
  • css/font-awesome-pro-v4shims.min.css

Add to the mantisbt js directory:


Add to config_inc.php custom_headers:

$g_custom_headers = array("Content-Security-Policy: style-src https://kit-pro.fontawesome.com/ 'self'; script-src https://kit.fontawesome.com/ 'self'");

Add to config_inc.php scripts_included (undocumented):

$g_scripts_included = array( 'font-awesome-pro.js' );

This will effectively override the default font-awesome icons and use the "Regular" version of the pro set of icons. The icon set used can be specified with the icon itself, for example to use an icon from the Brand icon set:

fab fa-readme

Or for example an icon from the Light icon set:

fal fa-spider