This repository hosts the files needed to generate the site. Feel free to use it for reference.
Simply issue the command
gem install <name of gem>
to install the necessary Ruby gems for this site:
- jekyll_ext
If you encounter errors, look in the messages to see if there are any missing gems.
For whatever reason, easy_install is not available on Arch Linux, my primary OS. To install Pygments on Arch Linux, which is needed to enable syntax highlighting, first install python2-pip.
pacman -S python2-pip
Then install Pygments
pip install Pygments
A Rakefile tells ruby what to do. My Rakefile has tasks for cleaning up the site output, for generating a new post, among other things.
rake deploy
This is a command that uses s3cmd to sync the jekyll-generated pages with Amazon S3.
rake clean
This deletes all the files in _site.
rake write["Title of post"]
This creates a new post in _posts.
Thanks to these people for the resources they provided:
- rfelix -- jekyll_ext coder
- mrdias -- for monthly_archives hack
- hendrikvoldmer -- for S3 sync information
Content in _posts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The site HTML/CSS, stuff under _layouts, _includes, etc. are free for you to use. I'd really appreciate a link back to Kismetik, but it's not a super must.