
🐄 Web application game. User must tend to multiplying cows before time runs out! Written in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A game of multiplying cows!, Feb 15th, 2020

By Kristina Hengster Tintor and Stephanie Podolak


A Web application modeled after the childehood favorite Tamagotchi game. When starting the application, a cow is born, initiating timers that promt the user to feed, sleep or sun the cow. Additionally, if a cow is kept alive for long enough, a new cow is born. Soon the user will have to manage multiple cows. Written in JavaScript.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Clone this repository to your desktop. If using Git Bash you can do this by typing "git clone https://github.com/spodolak/HungryCows.git" into your command line while in desktop directory.
  2. Navigate inside project directory by entering "cd epicodus_HungryCows" in Git Bash.
  3. Open index.html file in your browser of choice by entering "open index.html" in the terminal.

Project Specifications

Behavior Input Output
When game starts, an animal is born/created Push Start Animal appears with vital signs
All timers starts immediately when animal is created cow is born sun: 10, sleep: 10, food: 10
Every 6 seconds "sun" level drops by 1 level sun: 8 and 1 second passes sun:7
Every 12 seconds "sleep" level drops by 1 level sleep: 6 and 1 second passes sleep:5
Every 3 seconds "food" level drops by 1 level food: 5 and 1 second passes food:4
If sun, sleep or food level drops to 0 then animal dies food:0 animal dies
If sun, sleep or food button is pressed then the respective health meters increase by 1 level sleep:4 and sleep button is clicked sleep:5
If any health meter falls below 5, program informs user sun: 4 user messsage: "I need sun!"
If 2 minutes pass without an animal dying, a new animal is born if cow object = true instantiate new cow

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time

Support and contact details

For any questions or comments please contact: Stephanie Podolak

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery-3.4.1
  • Jest
  • Babel
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap-4.4.1
  • Google Fonts



Copyright (c) 2020 Stephanie Podolak