- 8
- 9
Wrong styles applied to my layout after installing gem
#316 opened by dewey - 5
Rails 7 with Importmaps - TinyMCERails is not defined
#306 opened by phil-6 - 4
Does not work with Propshaft / cssbundling-rails,?
#303 opened by anko20094 - 1
- 2
Missing release/tag -
#312 opened by doconnor-clintel - 1
Wrong license on main branch (since version 7)
#311 opened by debanne - 0
Update to TinyMCE 7.0.0
#310 opened by elissonmichael - 6
Problem with deploy on production
#304 opened by nepobo - 1
Question: How to pass api_key with this gem?
#307 opened by epidevops - 5
Doesn't work with multiple visits
#292 opened by maks112v - 1
Can't init editor manually
#305 opened by dmitriyrotaenko - 2
How to use it with paid plugins
#302 opened by liamstevens111 - 4
tinymce fonts are not loading correctly
#293 opened by RedaBenh - 3
Upgraded tinymce-rails from 5.2 to 6.4.2 and default silver theme is not working
#301 opened by tsankaste - 3
- 0
- 2
TinyMCE is stripping HTML code for YouTube iFrame embed, therefore the embed is not displaying
#294 opened by danhodgins - 2
Couldn't find file 'tinymce-jquery'
#290 opened by spatarel - 2
valid_styles compiles incorrectly for v6
#289 opened by aseroff - 1
Missing 5.10.5 update
#287 opened by Faq - 1
- 0
How to show formatted content?
#285 opened by pedroaugustofsilva - 0
Can't view field html source in production environment, getting "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dom')"
#284 opened by agiovacchini - 6
Plugins not working
#281 opened by ViciousMagician - 2
Textarea not showing up
#280 opened by afdev82 - 1
Can upload video from local PC or not?
#275 opened by sumraSquare63 - 0
error when enabling dark content_css
#278 opened by fabriciobonjorno - 0
#276 opened by RizwanBhatti200 - 1
Rails 6.1 bug with content_css option specified
#274 opened by javinto - 1
The load failed for the <script> with source "http: // localhost:3000/assets/tinymce/themes/modern/ theme.js".
#268 opened by Moriort - 2
Push new tags
#272 opened by tagliala - 0
Tiny Drive support
#271 opened by eugenio-caicedo - 1
Tinymce invoke error
#254 opened by ramachandranv - 1
- 0
- 0
Is there anyway to apply toolbar event apply only to the root node of the selection
#267 opened by fs-td-eitaro-ueda - 4
Compatibility with Sprockets 4
#264 opened by brian-kephart - 0
Change font name in highlighted empty line
#265 opened by vhlaynez - 1
Dropdown not loading with Turbolinks
#257 opened by bharget - 0
TinyMCE with Active Storage?
#261 opened by colinBranca - 0
Simple Way to have a Placeholder ?
#263 opened by colinBranca - 0
Add instructions on how to test to the README?
#260 opened by lbraun - 1
Capybara feature specs with TinyMCE: Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find visible frame "content_ifr"
#259 opened by ianrandmckenzie - 5
Compiled JS file is empty
#258 opened by ianrandmckenzie - 1
Multiple toolbars are merged into a single bar
#256 opened by solomous - 1
Getting 404 for assets/tinymce/skins/content/default/content.css with 5.x but not 4.x
#255 opened by sgelliott - 2
- 0
- 1
Nested options with functions
#251 opened by pa657