
JAlgoArena Problems Service

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


JAlgoArena Problems Build Status codecov GitHub release

JAlgoArena Problems is service dedicated for keeping problems definitions and their meta-data.

Demo: https://jalgoarena-problems.herokuapp.com/


  • JAlgoArena Problems allows user to query problems definitions and meta data required for Judge Agent to generate skeleton code in particular language. Additionally - it allows administrator to create new problems or edit existing ones.

Component Diagram


Endpoint Description
GET /problems Get problems list
GET /problems/:id Get problem by id


Continuous Delivery

  • initially, developer push his changes to GitHub
  • in next stage, GitHub notifies Travis CI about changes
  • Travis CI runs whole continuous integration flow, running compilation, tests and generating reports
  • coverage report is sent to Codecov
  • application is deployed into Heroku machine


Running locally

There are two ways to run it - from sources or from binaries.

Running from binaries

  • go to releases page and download last app package (JAlgoArena-Problems-[version_number].zip)
  • after unpacking it, go to folder and run ./run.sh (to make it runnable, invoke command chmod +x run.sh)
  • you can modify port and Eureka service url in run.sh script, depending on your infrastructure settings. The script itself can be found in here: run.sh

Running from sources

  • run git clone https://github.com/spolnik/JAlgoArena-Problems to clone locally the sources
  • now, you can build project with command ./gradlew clean bootRepackage which will create runnable jar package with app sources. Next, run java -Dserver.port=5002 -jar build\libs\jalgoarena-problems-*.jar which will start application
  • there is second way to run app with gradle. Instead of running above, you can just run ./gradlew clean bootRun


Component Diagram