
On-device search framework for iOS and MacOSX.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


This is a search engine written in Objective C which compiles and runs on Mac OS X or iOS. It is designed to allow searches to be efficiently carried out on a device. It is not a web search engine.


The software is distributed under an MIT license. See LICENSE.TXT for details. If you use SearchTouch in a project, I would appreciate an acknowledgement, but it is not required.


All of the code has been contributed by Julian Richardson, julianrichardson@acm.org. Contributions are very welcome. Please contact me if you would like to contribute, or if you have bug reports, questions or suggestions.

The world_factbook/ directory contains files extracted from a text version of the 2010 CIA World Factbook, which can be used for testing the search code.

Incorporating into your project

The src/ directory contains all the files needed to incorporate a search engine into your code.

Using XCode, add that entire directory to your project by selecting the menu item:

File -> Add Files to your project

then navigating to the SearchTouch project folder and selecting the src folder.

You will also need to ensure your code is linked to the Core Data framework: select your target, build target, select the Build Phases tab, expand the Link Binary With Libraries item, hit the "+" and select CoreData.Framework.

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) or Manual Memory Management?

The code is currently set up to use ARC.

Building an index

You must supply the path to a file which contains a list of files to index, separated by newlines. If any of the filenames is not specified using an absolute path, then it is assumed to be a file in the same directory as the file list. For example, if the contents of /Users/you/files.txt is:


then you should initialize an instance of the Index class with:

 #include <Search.h>

 NSString *filelist = @"/Users/you/files.txt";
 Index *index = [[Index alloc] initWithFilenamesFromFile:filelist];

You can then build a searchable index of the contents of 2001.txt and 2002.txt with:

[index buildIndex:nil];

The single argument to buildIndex is a dictionary of options. Currently the only option supported is storetext, which stores the tokenized text of the indexed documents in the index. So instead of the above line of code you could write:

[index buildIndex:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"storetext"]];

Searching an index

Given an index built as above, search the index with:

Search *s = [[Search alloc] initWithQueryString:searchtermtext andIndex:index];
NSArray *rankedResults = [s rankedResults];

where searchtermtext is a string containing a list of space-separated search terms. This string is normalized by downcasing and removing all punctuation and stop words before performing the search - searches for enable improvement, the imProvement ENABLE should give the same results.

rankedResults lists every document in the index which contains all of the search terms. It is represented as an array of SearchResult instances, ranked (best first) using TFIDF according to the [BM25 formula]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probabilistic_relevance_model_(BM25).

Each SearchResult instance has the following readable instance variables:

int rank;
double score;
DocID docid;
NSString *docname;
NSString *snippet;
NSDictionary *postingsForTerm;

snippet is currently always the empty string.

postingsForTerm is a dictionary mapping each search term to a Postings instance, with readable instance variables:

DocID docid;
int npostings;
uint32_t *positions;

So for example, the first position of the first enable in the first result for the query enable improvement can be found by:

Search *s = [[Search alloc] initWithQueryString:@"enable improvement" andIndex:index];
NSArray *rankedResults = [s rankedResults];

SearchResult *topresult = [rankedResults objectAtIndex:0];
Postings *postingsForEnable = [[topresult postingsForTerm] valueForKey:@"enable"];
uint32_t firstPosition = (postingsForEnable.positions)[0];

Choosing a back end data structure

By default, Core Data is used to store and manipulate search indexes. If you don't want to use Core Data, there is an alternative set of data structures, based on CFTree. Building and searching these indexes is fast, but they cannot be saved to persistent storage - they must be rebuilt every time your app is used. To use these data structures, define the NO_CORE_DATA preprocessor symbol in the Preprocessor Macros Not Used in Precompiled Headers section of your target's Build Settings.

Using an index which was previously built

When using Core Data, built indexes are stored in a file DataModel.sqlite in the top level directory of your application. You can check to see whether an index already exists using (BOOL)[index hasBeenBuilt]. If an index has already been built then you can use it directly without rebuilding it, e.g.

NSString *filelist = @"/Users/you/files.txt";
Index *index = [[Index alloc] initWithFilenamesFromFile:filelist];
Search *s = [[Search alloc] initWithQueryString:searchtermtext andIndex:index];
NSArray *rankedResults = [s rankedResults];

It is perfectly possible to build an index on the Mac and include the built index in an iOS project. Locate the built index in your Mac file system - it will probably be in ~/Documents/DataModel.sqlite. Drag this into your project folder and make sure the boxes are checked for "Copy files into group's destination folder" and for adding to the appropriate build target.

Testing the code

To test the code using the CIA World Factbook 2010 text, edit main.m (for the MacOSX target) or SearchViewController.m (for the iOS target), changing the argument to initWithFilenamesFromFile: to specify the full pathname to the list file in the world_factbook directory. You should now be able to build and run the MacOSX targets and, on the simulator, iOS targets. If you would like to run the example on an iOS device, then you will either need to have the world_factbook directory copied onto the iOS device and an appropriate filename specified in initWithFilenamesFromFile:, or you will need to build an index using the MacOSX target, and then drop it into the iOS build target as described in the previous section.

Stop Words

The following are considered stop words and neither indexed nor searched for:

a, an, and, but, he, her, hers, him, his, how, i, it, its, of, or, she, the, their, them, there, these, they, to, who, why, where, when, what, which, you, your


The code builds an index for a document set consisting of an inverted index for each word in a document set. The index can be stored on the device, and can be efficiently searched to produce a ranked list of every document which contains all of any given set of search terms.

There is a strict separation between the search and indexing code, and the data structures used to store indexes. This separation is mainly achieved by defining the Index class as a class cluster, although a prototcol is also used.


As this is a the first public version of the code, there are some loose ends. Additional interfaces should be added soon to tailor the list of stop words and provide document text in a more flexible format than simply a list of filenames.

There is no currently caption/snippet generation.

Documents must be purely text, without markup. There is no detection or special indexing of titles or other document structures.

More attention can be paid to achieving compact indexes.

There is little documentation, apart from this README file.